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:: Volume 20, Issue 3 (10-2018) ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2018, 20(3): 64-69 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Pilates training on functional balance of elderly men
Edris Bavardi Moghadam * 1, Seyyed Sadredin Shojaedin2 , Hossein Radfar3
1- M.Sc in Corrective Exercise and Sport Injury, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. bavardi.e@gmail.com , bavardi.e@gmail.com
2- Associate Professor, Department of Corrective Movement and Sport Pathology, Physical Education and Sport Science Faculty, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3- M.Sc in Exercise Physiology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (8929 Views)
Background and Objective: The phenomenon of aging is one of the evolutionary stages of life and it is an inevitable part of human society that can lead to poor balance and consequent harm, loss of independence and early death. This study was done to determine the effect of Pilates exercise on functional balance of elderly men.
Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done on 28 elderly men with an average age of above 60 years. Subjects were non-randomly divided into intervention and control groups. Eldely men in intervention group were received Pilates training for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week. To measure the functional balance was used of the timed up and go test. Pre-test and post-test of was done for functional balance in intervention and control groups.
Results: The functional balance significantly reduced in intervention group (10.11±0.53 sec) in compared to controls (12.61±1.14 sec) (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Pilates training have an important role in improving the performance balance of elderly men.
Keywords: Pilates training, Functional balance, Elderly men
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Type of Study: Original Articles | Subject: Rehabilitation
* Corresponding Author Address: M.Sc in Corrective Exercise and Sport Injury, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran. bavardi.e@gmail.com
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Bavardi Moghadam E, Shojaedin S S, Radfar H. Effect of Pilates training on functional balance of elderly men . J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2018; 20 (3) :64-69
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-3456-en.html

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