Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2016)                   Jorjani Biomed J 2016, 4(1): 95-101 | Back to browse issues page

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Koochaki G M, Kord B, Sotoodeh S, Tatari M. Comparing learning styles among students of Para medicine and Health faculties in Golestan University of medical sciences. Jorjani Biomed J 2016; 4 (1) :95-101
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/jorjanijournal/article-1-445-en.html
1- Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
2- Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran. , behrooz_kord@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (11069 Views)

Background and Objectives: The validity of an educational system is dependent on students' learning. Learning is a complex variable which is affected by multiple factors. One of the most important factors is learning styles. Knowledge of learning styles of students to educational programs is very important. Therefore, this study aimed to determine students' learning styles among students of Para medicine and Health faculties in Golestan University of medical sciences.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 401 students of the faculty of Para medicine and Health in Golestan University of Medical Sciences since 1391 till 1392 were selected and filled out the Standard Kolb Learning Style Inventory (LSI) which was previously tested for reliability (8.0). Data was analyzed with SPSS version 18.0 using Chi-square and Fisher's exact test.

Results: The mean age of students was 20.57 and 71.8 percent of them were female students. Learning styles of students included a convergent (63.4 %), absorber (25.4 %), accommodating (7.5%) and divergent (3.7 %). Learning style of study had no statistically significant difference in comparison to sex, school, age, GPA, credits, semester and education levels (P>0.05).

Conclusion: Converging and absorbing learning styles were more dominant among students. Therefore, it is recommended to use training methods which fit this style such as showing hand-writings and presentations with self-study materials, simulations, laboratory assignments and problem-based learning.

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Type of Article: Original article | Subject: General medicine
Received: 2016/08/14 | Accepted: 2016/08/14 | Published: 2016/08/14

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