Information for Reviewers

 | Post date: 2018/09/10 | 
In order to increase the quality of scientific publication in Jorjani Biomedicine Journal, all submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review. We are doing our best to benefit from a timely, thorough and balanced peer-review process. Corresponding authors of all submitted manuscripts are asked to introduce their suggested and opposed reviewers and the editorial team will decide on the conditions. Below, we have described some necessary guidelines and information fro reviewers to help fascilitate peer-review process.

Reviewer invitations for JBJ are sent out by email from the Yektaweb editorial system. The invitation includes information about the title and abstract of the manuscript and an indication of the time frame in which we would like to receive the review. After agreeing to review the paper, the reviewer will have access to the entire manuscript. All reviewers are asked to register in the Yektaweb system and change their password in their very first referral to the website.  We encourage reviewers to contact the journal office at any time if they require additional information or assistance.

JBJ has also provided a stand alone review form (for each type of paper) which could be accessed or being filled online.

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