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:: Volume 25 - Special Issue - The First National Seminar of Islam and Health ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2023, 25 - Special Issue - The First National Seminar of Islam and Health: 7-13 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Impact of Leaving Sin on Mental Health Care
Seyed Rasool Hosseini Kohestani *
4th Level of Seminary, Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Medicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
Abstract:   (2548 Views)

Various sciences such as medicine, psychology, sociology, history, ethics, etc., each of them look at humans from a specific angle and study them. Therefore, in any science, including medicine, what constitutes the subject of that science and forms the basis of the problems of that science depends on the definition of that science of the nature and essence of man. Therefore; it is very important to look at human nature in the recognition of disease and its prevention and treatment. The present research, with descriptive analytical method and referring to library sources, aims to investigate the impact of non-material factors such as disobeying divine orders and moral vices in depriving mental health from the point of view of Islam. The findings of this research show; there are two general views about human nature: material and divine. Now; in medical sciences, in all three areas of disease recognition, prevention and treatment, depending on the acceptance of one of the two mentioned points of view, the data and, accordingly, the results will vary. It is obvious that, rejecting metaphysical dualism, the materialist view in medical studies defines its scope of research only on the axis of material and experimental factors and in opposite; the divine perspective considers the scope of the mentioned studies beyond material factors and includes non-material and spiritual factors as well. As a result: by assuming the divine perspective, it is shown that the causes of disease go beyond material factors and include non-material factors as well, and sin and disobedience to divine orders and moral vices have a direct effect on causing some diseases And on the contrary, observing religious and moral principles has an effect on maintaining and sustaining the health of the body as a cage of the soul.

Keywords: Sin, Illness, Spiritual Health, Mental Health, Spiritual Care, Religious Prevention
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Hosseini Kohestani S R. Investigating the Impact of Leaving Sin on Mental Health Care. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2023; 25 :7-13
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-4441-en.html

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Volume 25 - Special Issue - The First National Seminar of Islam and Health Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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