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:: Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2021) ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2021, 23(3): 52-58 Back to browse issues page
Association between the Age of Onset of Obesity and Energy Metabolism in Adulthood Among Overweight and Obese Women
Habib Yarizadeh1 , Leila Setayesh1 , Seyed Ali Keshavarz2 , Khadijeh Mirzaei * 3
1- Master of Science in Health Sciences in Nutrition, Department of Community Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2- Professor, Department of Clinical Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3- Associate Professor of Nutritional Sciences, Department of Community Nutrition, School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , mirzaei_kh@tums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2712 Views)
Background and Objective: Obesity plays an important role in the development of chronic diseases including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). This study was conducted to evaluate the association of the age of onset of obesity with resting metabolic rate (RMR) in overweight and obese women during adulthood.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was done on 295 overweight and obese women aged 18-50 years in Tehran, Iran. The anthropometric measurements of all participants were measured. Dietary intake and total daily energy intake were assessed by using a semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which the list including 147 food items. Resting metabolic rate was measured by indirect calorimetric method. In order to measure the physical activity International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used. The questionnaire includes 7 items to assess the intensity of activities by the vigorous, medium, and light for at least 10 minutes during the last week.
Results: There was a significant difference between those whose age of onset of obesity was under 18 or over 18, in RMR per body weight (kg) (Beta: 0.16, CI: 0.11 to 0.00, P: 0.03). In addition, it was seen a significant inverse correlation between age of onset of obesity and body weight (Beta: -0.11, CI: -0.30 to 0.00, P: 0.005) and adipose tissue content (Beta: -0.13,
CI: -0.23 to -0.01, P: 0.02). After adjustment for confounders including (age, physical activities, and energy intake), the correlations still remain significant.
Conclusion: Age of onset of obesity was associated with increased weight and fat and decreased resting metabolic rate in adulthood. In fact, people with lower obesity age have higher body weight and fat and lower RMR.
Keywords: Body Composition [MeSH], Basal Metabolism [MeSH], Obesity [MeSH], Overweight [MeSH]
Article ID: Vol23-40
Full-Text [PDF 732 kb]   (12674 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Articles | Subject: Nutrition
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Yarizadeh H, Setayesh L, Keshavarz S A, Mirzaei K. Association between the Age of Onset of Obesity and Energy Metabolism in Adulthood Among Overweight and Obese Women. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2021; 23 (3) :52-58
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-3804-en.html

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