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Showing 29 results for Type of Article: Review Article

Masoomeh Simbar, Fatemeh Abdi, Farzaneh Zaheri, Pooran Mokhtari, Tahmineh Dadkhah Tehrani, Roonak Shahoi,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (5-2014)

Background & Objective: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Female genital mutilation (FGM) involves the withdrawal or damage to a part or all of the external genitalia of women without a medical reason. According to the WHO, 100 to 140 million girls and women worldwide are circumcised and in various studies, the numerous consequences of this action are mentioned. In this review, we investigated the studies on the outcomes of FGM. Method: In this study, the results of studies on the effects of FGM between years 2013 – 2003 in PubMed, Medline, Cochran library, Cinahl, Emro, WHO, Iranmedex and SID databases were investigated. In order to gather the information, first, articles that had one of the following keywords in their text (cutting / female genital mutilation, Infibulations, Female circumcision) either alone or with words Obstetrics / Gynecologic Consequence Psychiatric consequence health outcome, were searched and at the end a sum of 74 articles were collected. Results: FGM is accompanied with complications, such as infection, painful intercourse, frequent urination, constant bleeding, painful menstruation, infection during pregnancy, and possibility of developing hepatitis and infertility in women. But since only few case-control studies have been conducted on investigating these effects in different countries, it›s not possible to deduce from some complications associated with FGM. Conclusion: FGM is one of the manifestations of human rights violations and violence against women and girls who have the right to have a healthy body. Despite the global efforts, there are still areas of the world that respect this tradition, Thus stronger and more serious measures to stop such actions are strongly suggested.
Sedigheh Moghasemi, Nezal Ajh, Taraneh Estaki, Parvin Mirmiran,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (10-2014)

Background & Objective: Pregnant or lactating women and children are the two population group most vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies. The aim of this study was to review the nutritional status of lactating women, as one of the main loops of the chain of effective factors on health of the generation and society, assessing the supportive nutrition programs in Iran and to provide solutions in this regard. Method: This review was conducted in April 2014. All related articles on the databases of IranMedex, SID (Scientific Information database) and PubMed were investigated with no time limit. After reviewing the abstracts, 15 Persian articles and 13 English articles were fully reviewed. Results: The results of the few available studies on the nutritional status of lactating women indicate deficiencies or inappropriate nutritional patterns among lactating women. Although in formulation of nutritional strategies, pregnant or lactating women and children often receive equal attention, women are practically the target of nutrition and health programs to improve the growth of the fetus and little attention have been paid to their health and nutritional needs. Nutrition of lactating women have been forgotten and solely focus on prenatal nutrition of women means ignoring the more fundamental nutritional problem in women throughout their lives. Conclusion: Implementing a holistic approach to health and nutrition of women instead of the traditional approach, which focuses solely on a particular period of life, leads to health promotion and ensuring the health of women and the next generation.

Pedram Torabian, Dr Vahid Erfani-Moghadam,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (5-2016)

For decades, researchers have tried to develop non-invasive mechanisms for monitoring pathological conditions within the body of patients. Emerging nanotechnology enabled us to reach this aim. Scale of nano has the potential to increase early detection of pathological conditions among abnormal cells before diseased tissue or tumor development can be considerable which is helpful in disease treatment. In recent years, “Theranostics” has been emerged as a novel nano approach which performs diagnostic detection, therapy and follows up simultaneously. Therefore, Theranostics can be considered as an appropriate therapeutic approach for personalized medicine, pharmacogenomics and molecular imaging which can open a gate to develop novel therapies. Additionally, with a deeper molecular understanding, choosing drugs that are more effective will be possible. Finally, researchers believe that Theranostics has the potential to monitor treatments by increasing drug effectiveness and preventing inappropriate treatments and consequently reducing the cost of national health burden. In this review, structure and some applications of Theranostics and nano drug delivery systems have been discussed briefly.

Arezou Khosrojerdi, Kazem Mashayekhi, Hadi Zare Marzouni,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2016)

Background and Objectives:  The application of herbal medicine has been rising in recent years. Therefore, it is logical to revise and revive these traditional drugs while identifying their mechanisms of action can result in developing new treatments for many diseases. Curcumin is the most important component of Turmeric with numerous therapeutic properties. We aimed to review the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of Curcumin and introduce it as a therapeutic molecule in the present article.

Methods: In this review, 121 articles were selected from authenticated electronic resources and scientific library databases such as Pubmed, Medline, Sciencedirect, WOS, DOAJ, SID, Iranmedex, Magiran and Google Scholar search engine in which Curcumin (Turmeric) had been evaluated as a therapeutic molecule from differeny aspects.

Results: Our findings from the literature revealed that immune responses against infectious and inflammatory factors could be fascilitated by Curcumin. However, the low solubility in water and minimal bioavailability which may lead to poor absorbance from gastrointestinal tract, quick metabolization and elimination from blood circulation are the most important problems during oral consumption.

Conclusion: According to the results of the present review article, Curcumin possesses efficient anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties. However, the low bioavailability of this substance has limited its treatment properties. Nowadays, several mechanisms have been proposed to increase the bioavailability which can improve its absorption.

Azita Fathnezhad Kazemi, Nasibe Sharifi, Dr Masoomeh Simbar,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (5-2017)

Background & Objective: Nowadays, the participation of men in prenatal care is emphasized by international institutions to improve the health and reduce mortality of mothers and children. The purpose of this study was to review the various aspects of men participation in prenatal care.
Methods: All of the articles published since 2005 to 2016 containing full texts which were archived in SID, Medlib, Magiran, IranMedex, Google Scholar and Pubmed were searched with the keywords of “Men” and “the empowerment of women with prenatal care” in both Persian and English languages. After the initial investigation and search on the basis of sources, a total of 7 Persian and 28 English articles were included in this study.
Results: The results showed that the participation of men in prenatal care exerts positive effects on mother-infant outcomes. Increasing the expectations of women and core families are of the most important reasons showing the necessity of men participation in prenatal care. However, despite the positive attitude of couples towards men's participation, barriers such as lack of awareness among men and their undefined role in the field of prenatal care, economic and cultural issues and health system problems are the obstacles for men to cooperate in prenatal care.
Conclusion: Considering the important role of men in different areas of women's life and the positive effects of their participation in reproductive health of women, different strategies should be used to promote men's participation in order to introduce them to different aspects of fertility. Therefore, further research in this field seems necessary.

Razieh Nazari-Vanani, Naghmeh Sattarahmady, Negar Azarpira, Hossein Heli,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (9-2018)

Due to low cost, ease of administration, and lack need for trained personnel, the oral route is the most convenient and accessible way to design different medicines that could be simply consumed by patients. Regardless of the great benefits of this route, the main challenge in the bioavailability of oral medications is gastrointestinal instability. Nanotechnology is used to improve the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. The self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system is an ideal method for improving the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs. This system is a sustainable combination of drugs, oils, surfactants, and cosurfactants. The combination of these components causes the nanoemulsion of oil in water with the size of droplets in the range of nm, thereby increasing the bioavailability and oral absorption of poorly water-soluble drugs. This system is highly regarded for its benefits and the ability to improve the healing properties of oral medications.
Masoud Aman Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Rostami, Mojtaba Raeisi, Mahnaz Tabibi Azar,
Volume 6, Issue 4 (12-2018)

Preparation of nano-microfibers from biopolymers (e.g., proteins and polysaccharides) by using electrospinning technology has been considered by researchers due to the formation of fibers or particles at the nano and micrometer scales, high porosity level, adjustable dewatering behavior, and special mechanical behavior. These products can be used in the microencapsulation of bioactive compounds, stabilization of enzymes and smart packaging. In the electrospinning method, a high voltage is used to create a nanofibers-particles. When the electric field overcomes the surface tension of the droplet, a jet exits the polymeric solution and is formed along the collector surface as it stretches toward the collector panel of the nanofiber. Parameters including molecular weight and polymer microstructure characteristics such as electrical conductivity, viscosity, surface tension, and the electrical potential applied by the device, solution flow rate, distance between the tip of the needle and the collector plate and sometimes the material of the collector plate are effective in the formation of electrospun fibers and particles. In this review, we discussed and evaluated the production stages, the strengths and weaknesses of the fibers produced from proteins and polysaccharides, and their functional properties and potentials, especially in food and drug sciences.
Hamideh Mancheri, Mousa Alavi, Zahra Sabzi, Jahangir Maghsoudi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Background and objectives: Given its progressive nature in all life aspects, drug abuse threatens the health of individuals, families, and society and causes some economic, political and human damages to each society. In this regard, family is the first variable exposed to such a threat. Accordingly, the present study was to review the problems facing families of substance abusers.
Methods: In this study, the Scopus, Medline, SID, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct databases were surfed using keywords such as problems, substance abuse, addiction, family during 2000 to 2017. Finally, 30 full-text articles were selected.
Results: Studies have revealed that drug-related disorders affect the family system and members and bring family members different problems, including psychosocial, economic, physical, family and educational problems. These studies reported the psychological problems of family members as the most frequent one.
Conclusion: The present study indicated that family members with substance abusers face different problems in different aspects of their life; therefore, the need to expand prevention and treatment programs for such persons seems to be urgent.

Maryam Kazemipoor, Roghayeh Hakimian, Laleh Akhoondzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Nano science and nanotechnology have revolutionized all aspects in the endodontic field. The aim of the present study was to describe the application of nanotechnology in endodontics by reviewing the literature.The application of nanomaterials, with a smaller size, for surface modification has reduced the incidence of failure in the rotary nickel-titanium files. Nanoparticles with the ability of rapid dispersion into the hard-to-reach spaces in the complex root canal system have a better antimicrobial effect. The incorporation of nanoparticles in the obturating materials promotes the sealing properties and antimicrobial efficacy. Nanoscaffolds in the pulp regeneration approaches, bioceramics as retrofilling, and repair materials, and Nanorobots and nanoterminators as new technologies for local anesthesia with fewer side effects are some examples in this regard.
Mahdi Saravani, Omid Mozafari,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (3-2019)

Background and objectives: Varicocele has a relatively high prevalence in men and is a major cause of infertility in men. The disease has been discussed extensively in Persian medicine textbooks. Considering the importance of infertility and its impact on mental health and quality of life, we aimed to review the Persian medicine (Iranian Traditional Medicine) literature on the underlying causes, the process and treatment of varicocele.
Methods: This descriptive review was carried out using 13 most authoritative sources of Persian medicine with the help of the Noor software. The search was conducted using the following keywords in their Persian medicine equivalents: "varicose", "testicles", "gonads" and "scrotum".
Results: Varicocele was defined as tortuous dilation of testicular veins and their surroundings. Because of the coldness and the weaker nature of the left testicle, varicocele is more prevalent on this side. This could be related to the reduced purification of materials due to the path of left testicular arteries. For the treatment of this disease, the Persian medicine recommends a set of measures including dietary modifications, some oral and topical medications, and even phlebotomy.
Conclusion: Studying the Persian medicine literature and utilizing the recommended therapies (after updating and confirming their efficacy in evidence-based research) can provide cost-effective, safer and simpler therapeutic approaches that can be complementary to the current therapies.

Omid Mozafari, Aioub Sofizadeh, Hamid Reza Shoraka, Javad Namrodi, Ehsan Allah Kalteh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2020)

Background and objective: zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (ZCL) is one of the most important health problems in Golestan Province, northeastern Iran. Several studies have investigated various aspects of the disease in this province. Herein, we provide a detailed review of the results of all studies related to leishmaniasis to give a reliable insight into the state of the disease in this province.
Material and Methods: The search for articles was performed in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science without language restriction until the beginning of 2019.  Articles in Persian were retrieved from the Magiran, Scientific Information Database, and IranMedex. Overall, 41 articles were subjected to content analysis under the different themes.
Results: Counties of Gonbad-e-Kavus and Maraveh Tappeh are endemic areas of ZCL with an incidence rate 99.4-379.1 in 100000 population and has mesoendemic situation in these counties. Leishmania major is the dominant (99.1%) agent of leishmaniasis. Among 18 sandflies species detected in the province, Phlebotomus papatasi was the main vector of the disease with a mean infection rate of 9.2%. Peak of sandflies activity was recorded in the mid-July and mid-September. Rhombomys opimus and Meriones libycus were the main reservoirs of this disease with a mean infection rate of 25.3 and 31.8%. The density of sandflies and wild rodents were highest in the endemic areas for ZCL.
Conclusion: In Golestan Province, ZCL has been in a hypoendemic situation and in some areas in a mesoendemic situation and has increased significantly in recent years, so it is recommended to investigate the reasons for this increase.

Abolfazl Jafari-Sales, Homeira Khaneshpour, Mehrdad Pashazadeh, Rozita Nasiri,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2020)

On December 31, 2019, the Wuhan-China Health Commission reported a case of pneumonia in the city. The first symptoms began in mid-December 2019. Clinically isolated specimens identified the coronavirus as the cause of the disease. It was first shown as 2019-nCoV, and as the number of victims of the coronavirus crossed the border of thousands of people, the World Health Organization chose the official name COVID-19 for its illness. Although it appears to be of animal origin, it is rapidly transmitting from person to person around the world. The World Health Organization released a statement calling the outbreak of the new Corona virus a Public Health Emergency Situations that poses a threat to the whole world, not just China. In this study highlights how the virus is transmitted, the clinical signs, the laboratory characteristics, the pathogenicity of the virus, Vaccines, and the prevention and control of the spread of the virus.

Ayyoob Khosravi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2020)

Stem cells isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) are multipotent mesenchymal stem cells that are isolated from dental pulp tissues. These cells have a high proliferative capacity, multipotential ability, immunomodulatory function, and minimal risk of oncogenesis. Recent studies have shown that SHEDs are a feasible cell source for cell therapy and regenerative medicine.

Behboud Jafari, Abolfazl Jafari-Sales, ‪homeira Khaneshpour‬‏, Salar Fatemi, Mehrdad Pashazadeh, Ali Esmail Al-Snafi, Afsoon Shariat,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and objective: In recent years, with the increase in resistance due to the indiscriminate use of synthetic antibiotics, it seems necessary to find alternative drugs that have both antibacterial properties and have the least side effects for humans. The purpose of this study is to review the antibacterial properties of some medicinal plants.
Material And Method In this review study, the content related to the antibacterial properties of Thymus vulgaris, Mentha pulegium, Crocus sativus, and Salvia officinalis were studied within Magiran, SID, PubMed, MEDLINE, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, EMBASE, and Scopus databases from 1981 to 2019. Previously published specialized articles and systematic meta-analysis were used as a supplementary source for identifying relevant articles.  Finally, data from 46 articles were pooled and analyzed.
Result: Extracts and essential oils of Thymus vulgaris, Mentha pulegium, Crocus sativus, and Salvia officinalis had a good antibacterial properties against a variety of pathogenic bacteria and their infections.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, the studied plants can be considered as a suitable option for treating infections caused by pathogenic bacteria and helping to Return the sensitivity of antibiotics in these bacteria, and this requires more comprehensive research on medicinal plants.

Ezatolah Kazeminejad, Negar Naghashpour,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to increasing global concerns about infection control. Amid this pandemic, dentistry could be considered as one of the most high-risk medical sectors for health workers due to the high exposure to patients infected with this deadly virus.After the decline of the steep prevalence of COVID -19 cases, the dental associations have allowed dental offices to reopen under special circumstances by taking the necessary precautions and following the prescribed guidelines to keep both the dentists and their patients safe and healthy during the treatment.
The aim of this review is to present a policy to manage and facilitate the dental procedures in the dental practice routine amid coronavirus by focusing on the patients’ risk level in order to keep the possibility of COVID -19 transmission to a minimum.

Fahimeh Hosseinabadi, Tayebeh Faraji, Mahdi Malmir,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (12-2021)

Background and Objective: Quercetin is a polyphenolic flavonoid compound with a potent antioxidant impact, proposed to make a drastic contribution in treating male infertility. The current systematic review aimed to provide an overview of previous studies about quercetin's impact on male infertility.
Material and Methods: Electronic search with MeSH words including Quercetin, Infertility, Sperm, Testicular tissue, and Sex hormones was accomplished in databases Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, Wiley, NCBI, and Google Scholar. Finally, 296 articles were recognized during the primary search. A total of 144 papers,passing the analysis stage containing Identification, Screening, and Eligibility were selected for assessment.
Results: Quercetin prevents damage to the testicular germinal epithelium and facilitates the spermatogenesis process by strengthening the antioxidant system, reducing lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress, preventing the expression of pro-apoptotic genes, increasing testosterone and gonadotropins.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the present review showed that quercetin by its antioxidant impacts, can counteract various toxins that induce oxidative stress in the male reproductive system.

Sahar Miri, Samad Karkhah, Pooyan Ghorbani Vajargah, Amirabbas Mollaei, Atefeh Falakdami, Poorya Takasi, Amir Emami Zeydi, Mohammad Javad Ghazanfari,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Background and Objective: Since December 2019, the widespread outbreak of COVID-19 has led to a major public health issue worldwide. With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, a series of ethically challenging issues arose that put pressure on healthcare systems around the world. This narrative review aims to comprehensively review the literature focusing on ethical challenges and coping strategies about issues related to the healthcare system and social issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Material and Methods: This narrative review was conducted via international databases including PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Scopus using keywords extracted from medical subject headings such as "COVID-19", "2019-nCoV disease", "2019 novel coronavirus infection", "Ethics", "Bioethical Issues", "Morals", "Coping Skills", "Coping Skill", "Coping Strategies", and "Coping Strategy" from December 2019 to January 2022.
Results: In general, ethical issues during the COVID-19 pandemic can be divided into two categories: 1) issues related to the healthcare system and 2) social issues. Issues related to the healthcare system can be divided into two categories: 1) lack of resources, equipment and facilities, and manpower, and 2) problems in patient care such as triage and informed consent. Social issues can be divided into four categories: 1) community engagement, 2) crisis management capacity in remote rural communities, 3) discrimination and health equity, and 4) vaccination. Coping with ethical challenges in crises such as COVID-19 requires changing health empowerment policies and strategies based on evidence-based research. On the other hand, overcome on these challenges requires interdisciplinary collaboration and fast efficient decisions.
Conclusion: Overall, the present study introduced ethical challenges and coping strategies during the COVID 19 pandemic. The experience gained from this pandemic can be considered by managers and policymakers of health care systems for coping with ethical challenges.

Emad Behboudi, Parisa Zeynali, Niloofar Zahedian Nezhad, Vahideh Hamidi Sofiani,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Vitamin A is fat-soluble compounds of retinoid derivate, consisting of retinol, retinal, and retinyl esters. Vitamin A also affects cell growth and differentiation, playing a critical role in the normal formation and function of the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs. According to the role of vitamin A in enhancing immune function, it is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. Also, vitamin A supplementation by reducing morbidity and mortality in different infectious diseases, such as measles, diarrheal disease, measles-related pneumonia, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and malaria considered as a crucial factor against infection. So vitamin A deficiency can be life-threatening, because of impairing the response to infection and significant risk of development of severe respiratory infections in infants and young children. In this paper, we have discussed the effects of vitamin A in modulating immune responses in viral infections and the direct effects of this vitamin on viral replication by comparing its role during different types of viral infections.

Mohammadreza Kheyrandish, Fahime Bafande, Mehdi Sheikh Arabi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

One of the major challenges in the field of tissue engineering is the production of scaffolding in nano-scale. The study of structural-functional connections in pathological and normal tissues with biologically active alternatives or engineered materials has been developed. Extracellular Matrix (ECM) is a suitable environment consisting of gelatin, elastin and collagen types I, II and III, etc., which are provided to cells for wound healing, embryonic development, cell growth and organogenesis, and. They also play a role in transmitting structural integrity and overall strength to tissues. In tissues, ECM manufacturers are structurally 50 to 500 nm in diameter; nanotechnology must be used to create scaffolds or ECM analogues. Recent advances in nanotechnology have led to the development of ECM-engineered analogues in various ways. To date, three self-assembly, phase separation and electrospinning techniques have been developed to activate nanofiber scaffolds. With these advances and the construction of a "biomimetic" environment, engineered tissue or scaffolding is now possible for a variety of tissues. This study will discuss the three existing methods for creating Tissue engineering scaffolds that are able to mimic new tissue, as well as the discovery of materials for use in scaffolding.
Mahmood Poorjam, Zeinab Mohammadi, Seyyed Mehdi Jafari,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Various investigation has shown the magnitude role of adenosine receptors in cancer development. The A1, A2A, A2B, and A3 G-protein-coupled cell surface Adenosine Receptors (ARs) are found to be upregulated in many types of cancers. The adenosine receptor function has been affected by specific ligands such as agonists and/or antagonists regulated cancer (Neoplasms) cells proliferation via signaling pathways. Adenosine not only is an important intermediate metabolite but also acts as the essential ligand of adenosine receptors in physiological and pathological conditions. Furthermore, many studies have shown that adenosine receptors expression has increased in many types of cancer. In this review, we first describe adenosine's role in physiological condition and in cancer development. We further, discuss the type of adenosine receptors, distribution, expression, and their roles in cancer.

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