
Jorjani Biomedicine Journal

e-ISSN: 2645-3509

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               Owner and Publisher: Golestan University of Medical Sciences
                  Chairman: Dr. Mohammad Reza Honarvar
                  Editor in Chief: Dr. Naser Behnampour
                  Associate Editor: Dr. Saeed Mohammadi
                  Statistics Consultant: Dr. Nasser Behnampour
                  Executive Director: Dr. Maryam Chehregosha

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Jorjani Biomedicine Journal

2024، Volume 12، Number 2

Print ISSN: 

Online ISSN: 2645-3509

Director-in-Charge: Dr Mohammad Reza Honarvar

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Nasser Behnampour

View The Current Issue

  • :: GMM-based Semi-supervised approach to Predict Type 2 Diabetes

    :: Monoamine neurotransmitters in breast cancer: Progression, immunomodulation, and therapeutic strategies

    :: Epidemiologic, demographic, and clinical characteristics of brucellosis in Behbahan County, Southwest Iran, during the years 2000-2021

    :: Comparative effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity interval training on CK/LDH/IL-6 markers in male goalball players with visual impairments

    :: Sensitivity profile of carbapenem-resistant uropathogenic bacterial isolates to Cefiderocol

    :: Response of liver enzymes and serum indices to whey protein isolate and jogging after bariatric surgery in obesity women

    :: The effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training with spirulina supplementation on apoptotic markers in the hippocampal tissue of high-fat diet-induced obese rats

    :: Changes in Claudin-4 expression and tight junction integrity in human esophageal cancer: A Systematic Review

    :: Investigating Crithidia spp. in ulcer smear of patients suspected of leishmaniasis in Aq-Qala, Golestan province, Northern Iran, 2019-2020

    :: Effect of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training with quercetin supplementation on the mitochondrial gene expression in the diabetic heart

    :: Effects of eight weeks of Pilates exercise on serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, Omentin-1, and lipid profile in overweight women

    :: Prevalence of asthma and related symptoms among schoolchildren in Dezful city, Southwestern Iran

    :: Impact of high-fat diet and resistance training on oxidative stress and cardiac health in rats

    :: Dorema Aucheri and exercise training in enhancing PPARγ/mTOR/PI3K gene expression in muscle tissue of hypothyroid mice: experimental approaches using a hypothyroid mouse model

    :: Impact of motor developmental stimulatory training of the mothers on motor development of healthy full-term infants aged 6 months

    :: Effect of phenelzine and serotonin on RAW264.7 macrophage cell viability

    :: Pain relieving impacts of chrysin via down-regulation of hypothalamic Tac1 and CGRP in a Rat model of formalin-induced pain

    :: Effect of eight weeks of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous training with quercetin supplementation on the gene expression of FOXO1 and ATG5 in the liver of diabetic obese rats

    :: Long-term pulmonary assessment in Iranian severe COVID-19 ICU survivors in 2020-2021: A Cohort Study

    :: The effect of a moderate intensity resistance training course with garlic supplementation on the lipid profile in overweight women

    :: Molecular docking study of cytochalasin H and Fascin interactions as prospective targets for gastric cancer

    :: The impact of self-care education on self-esteem, self-care behavior, and blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes attending rural health centers in Gorgan City in 2023

    :: Fear of body image in women: comparison of Fars and Turkmen ethnicities

    :: Serum and salivary microRNA-31 in early detection of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    :: Agenda setting analysis for social health policies of the ministry of health of Iran based on Kingdon's Multiple Streams Model

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