Background and Objective: As a high-energy demanding tissue, the heart is exposed to a high level of ROS molecules such as H2O2, leading to cardiovascular disorders through damaging macromolecules such as DNA and disrupting ATP production. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the simultaneous effect of aerobic exercise (Ae) and Linum Usitatissimum (Lu) supplementation on DNA damage and ATP synthesis in heart and aorta endothelial tissues in rats poisoned with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Material and Methods: 56 male Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into 7 groups, including HC (Healthy Control), TC (Toxicated Control), Lu1 (Received 5 mg/kg of Lu), Lu2 (Received 10 mg/kg of Lu), Ae (Received only Aerobic Exercise), Ae Lu1, and Ae Lu2. Then, all groups got poisoned by H2O2 except HC. Next, they received Linum Usitatissimum (Lu) supplementation and Low-Intensity Interval Training (LIIT). Finally, 24h after the last treatment session, the level of 6-methylguanine (6MG) and ATP were measured via the ELISA technique in cardiovascular tissue.
Results: The findings determined that Lu supplementation and Ae significantly diminish the 6-methyl guanine level in endothelial (F=111.3, p=0.0008, ƞ=0.9823) and heart cells (F=147.9, p=0.0005, ƞ=0.9867). Also, the ATP level was increased significantly in endothelial (F=342.6, p=0.0003, ƞ=0.9942) and heart cells (F=135.1, p=0.0013, ƞ=0.9854). However, no considerable changes were found for both factors in groups who received Ae or Lu singularly.
Conclusion: The study showed that concurrent administration of Lu and Ae could exert dynamic cardioprotective properties through their antioxidant effects.
نوع مقاله:
تحقیقی |
موضوع مقاله:
بهداشت دریافت: 1400/1/29 | پذیرش: 1400/5/3 | انتشار: 1400/7/7