مرکز تحقیقات ناهنجاریهای مادرزادی گرگان- 2007-2010

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1399/7/14 | 
No. Articles Authors Year Journals
۱ The protective activity of Urtica dioica leaves on blood glucose concentration and beta-cells in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Golalipour MJ*, Khori V. ۲۰۰۷ Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
۲ The comparison of nutritional status between Turkmen and non-turkman ethnic groups in North of Iran. Veghari Gh*, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۷ Journal of Applied Sciences
۳ Birth prevalence of oral Clefting in Northern Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Mirfazeli A, Behnampour N. ۲۰۰۷ The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal
۴ Epidemiology of neural tube defects in Northern Iran ۱۹۹۸-۲۰۰۳ Golalipour MJ*, Mobasheri E, VaKili MA, Keshtkar AA. ۲۰۰۷ Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
۵ Effect modification of Iron Hematoxylin on neuron staining. Gharravi AM*, Golalipour MJ, Ghorbani R, Khazaei M. ۲۰۰۷ Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
۶ Gastrointestinal malformations in Gorgan, North of Iran: epidemiology and associated malformations. Golalipour MJ*, Mobasheri E, Hoseinpour KR, Keshtkar AA ۲۰۰۷ Pediatric Surgery International
۷ Evaluation of post-operative analgesic efficacy of intramuscular pethidine, compared to indometacin and diclofenac Na suppositories in unilateral inguinal hernioplasty patients. Arya B*, Abdollahi AA, Golalipour MJ, Kazemnezhad K, Mohammadi MR. ۲۰۰۷ Journal of Medical Sciences
۸ Morphological Evaluation of Head in Turkmen Males in Gorgan-North of Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Jahanshahi M, Haidari K. ۲۰۰۷ International Journal of Morphology
۹ The effect of pre-pregnancy body mass index on gestational weight and pregnancy outcome in Gorgan, North Iran. Mobasheri E*, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۷ Journal of Medical Sciences
۱۰ Meckel&#۳۹;s diverticulitis due to actinomycosis (A Case Report). Arya B*, Azarhoush R, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۷ Journal of Medical Sciences
۱۱ Harlequin baby (A Case Report). Golalipour MJ*, Mohamadian S, Mobasheri E. ۲۰۰۷ Journal of Medical Sciences
۱۲ Quantitative studies of hepatocytes in periportal and perivenous zones of the liver lobules in diabetic rats. Golalipour MJ*, Ghafari S. ۲۰۰۷ International Journal of Zoology Research
۱۳ Formaldehyde exposure induces histopathological and morphometric changes in the rat testis. Golalipour MJ*, Azarhoush R, Ghafari S, Gharravi AM, Fazeli SA, Davarian A. ۲۰۰۷ International Journal of Zoology Research
۱۴ Effect of Urtica dioica on morphometric indices of kidney in streptozotocin diabetic rats-a stereological study. Golalipour MJ*, Gharravi AM, Ghafari S, Afshar M. ۲۰۰۷ Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
۱۵ Effect of Lead Intoxication and D-Penicillamine Treatment on Hematological Indices in Rats. Golalipour MJ*, Roshandel D, Roshandel G, Ghafari S, Kalavi M, Kalavi K. ۲۰۰۷ International Journal of Morphology
۱۶ The etiological agents of Mastitis in Lactating Women in Iran. Bakhshandeh-Nosrat S*, Ghazisaidi K, Ghaemi E.O, Fatemi Nasab F, Mohamadi M. ۲۰۰۷ Middle East Journal of Family Medicine
۱۷ A Survey of Urinary Iodine Concentration in South-east of Caspian Sea in Northern, Iran. Mansourian AR*, Ghaemi EO, Ahmadi AR, Saifi A, Moradi AV, Bakhshandeh-Nosrat S. ۲۰۰۷ Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences
۱۸ Chemical Composition and Antibacterial Activity from Essential Oil of Artemisia sieberi Besser subsp. Sieberi in North of Iran. Behmanesh B*, Heshmati GA, Mazandarani M, Rezaei MB, Ahmadi AR, Ghaemi EO, Bakhshandeh Nosrat S. ۲۰۰۷ Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
۱۹ Epidemiology of Shigella-associated diarrhea in Gorgan, north of Iran. Ghaemi EO*, Aslani MM, Moradi AV, Dadgar T, Livani S, Mansourian AR, Nosrat SB, Ahmadi AR. ۲۰۰۷ Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology
۲۰ Can formaldehyde inhalation induce Morphohistologic changes on rat kidney? Golalipour MJ*,Gharavi AM, Azarhoush R, Davarian A, Fazeli SAH, Ghafari S, Afshar M. ۲۰۰۸ Toxicology Letters
۲۱ Morphometric alterations to the rat spleen following formaldehyde exposure. Golalipour MJ*, Kord H, Ghafari S, Gharravi AM, Davarian A, Fazeli SA, Azarhoush R. ۲۰۰۸ Folia Morphologica (Warsz)
۲۲ Effects of crocus sativus on the fetal development of NMRI mice Golalipour MJ*, Gharravi AM, Ghafari S, Afshar M, Khori V. ۲۰۰۸ Saudi Medical Journal
۲۳ Prolongation of AV nodal refractoriness by Ruta graveolens in isolated rat hearts. Potential role as an anti-arrhythmic agent. Khori V*, Nayebpour M, Semnani S, Golalipour MJ, Marjani A ۲۰۰۸ Saudi Medical Journal
۲۴ Teratogenic effects of gabapentin on neural tube and limb development in mice. Afshar M*, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۸ Neurosciences (Riyadh)
۲۵ Morphometric measurements of the thalamus and interthalamic adhesion by MRI in the South-East of the Caspian Sea border. Mohammadi MR, Hosseini SH, Golalipour MJ*. ۲۰۰۸ Neurosciences (Riyadh)
۲۶ The granule cell density of the dentate gyrus following administration of Urtica dioica extract to young diabetic rats. Fazeli SA, Gharravi AM, Ghafari S, Jahanshahi M, Golalipour MJ*. ۲۰۰۸ Folia Morphologica (Warsz)
۲۷ Correlation of age at menarche and height in Iranian student girls living in Gorgan-northeast of Iran. Gharravi AM*, Gharravi S, Marjani A, Moradi A, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۸ Journal Of Pakistan Medical Association
۲۸ The effect of ethnicity on facial anthropometry in Northern Iran. Jahanshahi M*, Golalipour MJ, Heidari K. ۲۰۰۸ Singapore medical journal
۳۰ Can Formaldehyde Exposure Induce Histopathologic and Morphometric Changes on Rat Kidney? Golalipour MJ*, Azarhoush R, Ghafari S, Davarian A, Fazeli SAH ۲۰۰۹ International Journal of Morphology
۳۱ Maternal serum zinc deficiency in cases of neural tube defect in Gorgan, north Islamic Republic of Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Vakili MA, Mansourian AR, Mobasheri E. ۲۰۰۹ Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
۳۲ Possible role of TORCH agents in congenital malformations in Gorgan, northern Islamic Republic of Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Khodabakhshi B, Ghaemi E ۲۰۰۹ Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
۳۳ The effect of Urtica dioica extract on the number of astrocytes in the dentate gyrus of diabetic rats. Jahanshahi M*, Golalipour MJ, Afshar M. ۲۰۰۹ Folia Morphologica (Warsz)
۳۴ Serum Copper Concentration in Newborns with Neural Tube Defects in Northern Iran; A Case Control Study. Golalipour MJ*, Mansourian A, Keshtkar AA. ۲۰۰۹ Iranian Journal of Pediatrics
۳۵ Teratogenic effects of gabapentin on the skeletal system of Balb/C mice fetuses. Afshar M, Hassanzadeh-Taheri MM*, Moallem SA, Tamizi A, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۰۹ Neurosciences (Riyadh)
۳۶ Skin metastasis: A rare localization from laryngeal carcinoma and overview of similar cases. Azarhoush R*, Taziki M, Golalipour MJ, Arya B. ۲۰۰۹ Indian Journal of Dermatology
۳۷ Effect of Urtica dioica L Extract on Quantitative Morphometric Alterations of Liver Parenchymal Cells in STZ Diabetic Rats Golalipour MJ*, Ghafari S, Farsi M. ۲۰۰۹ International Journal of Morphology
۳۸ Resistance of CA۱ Pyramidal Cells to STZ-Induced Diabetes in Young Rats. Fazeli SA, Gharravi AM, Jahanshahi M, Ghafari S, Behnampour N, Golalipour MJ*. ۲۰۰۹ International Journal of Morphology
۳۹ Prevalence of anencephaly in Gorgan, northern Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Najafi L, Keshtkar AA. ۲۰۱۰ Archives of Iranian medicine
۴۰ Teratogenic effects of carbamazepine on embryonic eye development in pregnant mice. Afshar M, Moallem SA*, Houshang Mohammadpour A, Shiravi A, Majid Jalalian S, Jafar Golalipour M. ۲۰۱۰ Cutaneous and ocular toxicology
۴۱ Comparison of the Efficacy of Honey and Animal Oil in Accelerating Healing of Full Thickness Wound of mice skin. Ghaderi R, Afshar M, Akhbarie H, Golalipour MJ*. ۲۰۱۰ International Journal of Morphology
۴۲ Proliferation of the ß-Cells of Pancreas in Diabetic Rats Treated with Urtica Dioica. Golalipour MJ*, Ghafari S, Kouri V, Kestkar AA. ۲۰۱۰ International Journal of Morphology
۴۳ Maternal folate and vitamin B۱۲ status and neural tube defects in northern iran: a case control study. Mobasheri E, Keshtkar A, Golalipour MJ*. ۲۰۱۰ Iranian journal of pediatrics
۴۴ Protective role of Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae) extract on hepatocytes morphometric changes in STZ diabetic Wistar rats. Golalipour MJ*, Ghafari S, Afshar M. ۲۰۱۰ Turkish journal of gastroenterology
۴۵ Maternal and neonatal serum magnesium concentrations in neural tube defects pregnancies in Gorgan (North of Iran) - A case control study. Golalipour MJ*, Mansourian AR. ۲۰۱۰ Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
۴۶ Neural tube defects in native fars ethnicity in northern Iran. Golalipour MJ*, Najafi L, Keshtkar A ۲۰۱۰ Iranian Journal of Public Health
۴۷ The effects of subacute exposure of peracetic Acid on lipid peroxidation and hepatic enzymes in wistar rats. Marjani A*, Golalipour MJ, Gharravi AM ۲۰۱۰ Oman medical journal
۴۸ Effects of Urtica dioica extract on CA۳ hippocampal pyramidal cell loss in young diabetic rats. Fazeli SA*, Gharravi AM, Ghafari S, Jahanshahi M, Golalipour MJ. ۲۰۱۰ Neural Regeneration Research
۴۹ Serum Copper concentration in Neural Tube Defects pregnancies in Gorgan-Northern Iran: A case control study. Golalipour MJ*, Mansourian AR, Keshtkar AA ۲۰۱۰ Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences
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