Golestan Research Center of Gastroenterology & Hepatology- Request for GPCR data
Request for GPCR data

Restore images and colors  | Post date: 2021/11/28 | 
As in central to all cancer registries, the main aim of the GPCR is to provide accurate data on cancer patients to health policy makers. We developed a clear plan for use of the GPCR data by external users. Briefly, applicants were asked to provide a short research proposal to the research council of the GRCGH. After a peer-review and approval process undertaken by the GRCGH research council, data on requested variables were provided to the principal investigator of the study. The study plan and general information on the available data were announced to researchers and all other potential stakeholders inside and outside the GOUMS.
For more information please contant to GPCR secretariat by email: grcghgoums.ac.ir
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