2015-2018 : Articles
| تاریخ ارسال: 1399/7/14 |
No. | Articles | Authors | Year | Journals |
۲۰۱۵ | ||||
۱ | Effect of Gestational Diabetes on Purkinje and Granule Cells Distribution of the Rat Cerebellum in ۲۱ and ۲۸ days of Postnatal Life. | Razi EM, Ghafari S, Golalipour MJ*. | ۲۰۱۵ | Basic and Clinical Neuroscience |
۲ | Alterations of the Giant Pyramidal Neurons (Betz Cells) in Brain Cortex of Rat Offspring Born from Gestational Diabetic Dams: A Morphometric Study. | Ghafari S, Golalipour E, Golalipour MJ*. | ۲۰۱۵ | International Journal of Morphology |
۳ | Evaluation of some plasma coagulation factors in women with spontaneous miscarriage | Besharat M, Tabandeh A, Keshtkar A, Mobasheri E, Besharat S, Joshaghani H. | ۲۰۱۵ | International Journal of Fertility and Sterility |
۴ | Relationship between body mass index of third trimester of pregnancy and type of delivery | Aminolsharieh Najafi S, Nomali M, Goudarzi Z, Maslahati A, Mobasheri E. | ۲۰۱۵ | Tehran University Medical Journal |
۵ | Tessier number ۳۰ clefts with congenital heart defects | Tafreshi M, Aminolsharieh Najaf S, Hasheminejad R, Mirfazeli A, Shafee A. | ۲۰۱۵ | Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal |
۲۰۱۶ | ||||
۶ | Hippocampal neuronal apoptosis in rat offspring due to gestational diabetes. | Ghafari S., Asadi E., Shabani R., Golalipour MJ*. | ۲۰۱۶ | International Journal of Morphology |
۷ | Purification and Characterization of Recombinant Darbepoetin Alfa from Leishmania tarentolae | Kianmehr, A., Mahrooz, A., Oladnabi, M., Safdari, Y., Ansari, J., Veisi, K., Evazalipour, M., Shahbazmohammadi, H., Omidinia, E. | ۲۰۱۶ | Molecular Biotechnology |
۸ | Lack of association between coding region of KCNE۲ gene and the congenital long QT syndrome in an Iranian population | Torabian, P., Khosravi, A., Gholizadeh, M., Zahedi, M., Haghjoo, M., Oladnabi, M., Jand, Y., Khori, V. | ۲۰۱۶ | Physiology and Pharmacology |
۹ | Ethnic difference in brain weight of ۱۷-۲۰ year-old males in Northern Iran | Haidari, K., Jahanshah, M., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۶ | International Journal of Morphology |
۱۰ | Gestational diabetes reduces pancreatic beta cells in rat offspring | Moharerri, A., Ghafari, S., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۶ | International Journal of Morphology |
۱۱ | Birth Defects and Parental Consanguinity in the North of Iran | N Kaviany, M Sedehi, E Golalipour, M Aryaie, MJ Golalipour | ۲۰۱۶ | British journal of medicine and medical research |
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۱۲ | The effect of gestational diabetes mellitus on sciatic nerve in adult offspring rats | Ameri, M., Ghafari, S., Nazari, Z., Mehdizadeh, M., Shekari, M.A., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۷ | International Journal of Morphology |
۱۳ | Gestational diabetes induces pancreatic beta-cells apoptosis in adult rat offspring | Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Ghaffari, S., Saeidi, M., Shahriyari, A., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۷ | International Journal of Morphology |
۱۴ | Gestational diabetes leads to down-regulation of CDK۴-pRB-E۲F۱ pathway genes in pancreatic islets of rat offspring | Nazari, Z., Nabiuni, M., Saeidi, M., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۷ | Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences |
۱۵ | Gestational diabetes influences retinal muller cells in rat’s offspring | Tabasi, A., Ghafari, S., Mehdizadeh, M., Shekari, M.A., Golalipour, M.J. | ۲۰۱۷ | Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences |
۱۶ | Recombinant expression, characterization and application of a dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase with diaphorase activity from Bacillus sphaericus |
Kianmehr, A., Mahdizadeh, R., Oladnabi, M., Ansari J. |
۲۰۱۷ | ۳ Biotech |
۱۷ | Influence of Ethnicity on the Incidence Rate of Oral Clefts in Northern Iran | Golalipour, M.J., Kaviany, N., Aryaie M. | ۲۰۱۷ | Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences |
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۱۸ | Birth Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects in Iran: A Systematic Review | Mohammadi, N; Mobasheri, E; Golalipour, MJ. | ۲۰۱۸ | Journal of Pediatrics Review |
۱۹ | Gestational diabetes reduced sertoli cells in ۱۲ weeks age rat offsprings testis | Meskari, T; Ghafari, S; Khouri, V; Azarhoush, R; Golalipour, MJ. | ۲۰۱۸ | Journal of the Anatomical Society of India |
۲۰ | Gestational diabetes influences the expression of hypertrophic genes in left ventricle of rat&#۳۹;s offspring | Kermani, ES; Nazari, Z; Mehdizadeh, M; Shahbazi, M; Golalipour, MJ. | ۲۰۱۸ | Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences |
۲۱ | Prevalence and Patterns of Congenital Limb Defects in the North of Iran (۲۰۰۷-۲۰۱۱) | Golalipour, MJ; Kaviany, N; Golalipour, E ; Mirfazeli, A; Behnampour, N. | ۲۰۱۸ | Iranian Journal of Neonatology |
۲۲ | Birth Defects in Northern Iran (۲۰۰۸-۲۰۱۳) | Mirfazeli, A; Kaviany, N; Hosseinpoor, K; Aryaie, M; Golalipour, MJ. | ۲۰۱۸ | Iranian Journal of Public Health |
۲۳ | Ethnicity Influences Corpus Callosum Dimensions | Hosseini, HN; Mohammadi, MR; Aarabi, M; Mohammadi, N ; Golalipour, MJ. | ۲۰۱۸ | Neurology Research International |
۲۴ | Enzymatic characterization of a NADH-dependent diaphorase from Lysinibacillus sp strain PAD-۹۱ | Kianmehr, A; Oladnabi, M; Mahrooz, A; Ansari, J; Mandizadeh, R. | ۲۰۱۸ | Protein Expression and Purification |
۲۵ | Exposure to mephedrone during gestation increases the risk of stillbirth and induces hippocampal neurotoxicity in mice offspring | Naseri, G; Fazel, A; Golalipour, MJ; Haghir, H; Sadeghian, H; Mojarrad, M; Hosseini, M; Sabzevar, SS; Beheshti, F; Ghorbani, A. | ۲۰۱۸ | Neurotoxicology and Teratology |
۲۶ | Gene Silencing of TGFβRII Can Inhibit Glioblastoma Cell Growth | Ordoni Aval F, Askarian Amiri S, Azadmehr A, Oladnabi M, Saadat P, Ebrahimi H, Baradaran B, Mansoori B, Pourabdolhossein F, Torabian P, Hajiahmadi M. | ۲۰۱۸ | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention |
دفعات مشاهده: 1161 بار | دفعات چاپ: 352 بار | دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 0 بار |
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