- Investigating the opinion of inpatients about the quality of nursing care in 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi educational centers, Gorgan, Iran
Alireza Heidari *, Seyed Sina Mostafavi Toroghi, Nahid Jafari, Zahra Khatirnamani, Mohammad Zayandeh - A Bayesian approach model to COVID-19 case definitions
Shahram Yazdani, Zeynab Foroughi, Emad Karimian Rad *, Ali-Akbar Haghdoost, Hadi Jabali, Alireza Hajikhani, Maryam Hoseini Abardeh - Evaluation of sound pressure level and lighting in the dormitories of Golestan University Of Medical Sciences in 2022
Hadi Rahimzadeh, Abbas Yaqoubi Joibari, Navisa Sadat Seyed Ghasemi, Hoda Rahimifard, Zahra Qarahbash, Hamidreza Heidari * - Evaluation mortality trends and years of life lost due to causes of death in Northern Iran, 2011-2018
Alireza Heidari, Mohammad Javad Kabir, Zahra Khatirnamani *, Narges Rafiei, Masoumeh Gholami - Anxiety, depression symptoms, and sleep quality in frontline health workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Northeast of Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study
Abdurrahman Charkazi, Abdolhalim Rajabi, Sakineh Begum Kazemi, Maryam Ahmadi-Livani, Rahman Berdi Ozouni-Davaji * - Barriers to receiving the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine among Turkmen people: A Content Analysis Study
Malihe Ghojoghdordi, Abdurrahman Charkazi *
Examining the relationship between the timing of Oseltamivir treatment and clinical indicators, and the duration of hospitalization in children with influenza: A cross-sectional study in Gorgan, Iran
A Bayesian approach model to COVID-19 case definitions
Investigating the opinion of inpatients about the quality of nursing care in 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi educational centers, Gorgan, Iran
Patients' trust in physicians of general teaching hospitals of Gorgan: A Cross-Sectional Study
Efficacy of diabetes nutrition counseling on metabolic factors and knowledge, attitude, and practice
Investigation of the prevalence of asthma in patients with COVID-19 and its relationship to asthma severity: A Cross-Sectional study
Evaluation mortality trends and years of life lost due to causes of death in Northern Iran, 2011-2018
Evaluation of sound pressure level and lighting in the dormitories of Golestan University Of Medical Sciences in 2022
Barriers to receiving the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine among Turkmen people: A Content Analysis Study
Anxiety, depression symptoms, and sleep quality in frontline health workers during COVID-19 pandemic in Northeast of Iran: A Cross-Sectional Study
Evaluation of the Dimensions of Organizational Culture Using the Denison Model and Related Factors in Employees of the Gorgan Health Network
Policies on Electronic Health Record Implementation in Iran: A Documentary Analysis
Instruction outsourcing models in higher education: Ascoping review
The National Divorce Prevention and Reduction Program and its Complications: Goals, Service model, Challenges, and Future Path
Achievements of National Social Programs in the Welfare Organization of Iran
Evaluation of clinical features of COVID-19 and outcomes of patients admitted to 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi hospitals in Gorgan from April to September 2020
2010/07/1 - New Journal website launched
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 1، Number 2
- Print ISSN:
- Online ISSN: 3060-6047
- Director-in-Charge: Dr. Abdolhalim Rajabi
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Abdolhalim Rajabi
- Publisher: Golestan University of Medical Sciences
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