Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2024)                   IJHMD 2024, 1(2): 1-3 | Back to browse issues page

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Heidari A, Mostafavi Toroghi S S, Jafari N, Khatirnamani Z, Zayandeh M. Investigating the opinion of inpatients about the quality of nursing care in 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi educational centers, Gorgan, Iran. IJHMD 2024; 1 (2) :1-3
URL: http://jhd.goums.ac.ir/article-1-40-en.html
1- Health Management and Social Development Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran , alirezaheidari7@gmail.com
2- Health Management and Social Development Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
3- Deputy of Treatment, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (403 Views)
Background: One of the rights of all patients is good quality nursing care, which is the duty of all nurses. The overall success of hospital depends on the opinion and feelings of the patients about the nursing care in the hospital. The present research aimed to determine the quality of nursing care in 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi educational centers in Gorgan.
Methods: The present research was a cross-sectional study. 213 inpatients at 5 Azar and Shahid Sayad Shirazi hospitals were selected using a convenience random sampling in 2022. The standard Quality Patient Care Scale (QUALPAC) questionnaire was used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics methods, and IBM SPSS 24 Statistics program. Considering the non-normality of data distribution, the mean difference between two independent variables was compared using Mann-Whitney test, the mean difference between more than two independent variables was compared using Kruskal-Wallis test, and the relationship between quantitative variables was evaluated using Spearman's correlation coefficient. The statistical significance level was set at P <0.05.
Results: The mean age of the patients was 49.72±14.1 years. Out of 213 patients, 50.9% were male. Most of the patients were married (82.2%) had a diploma (43.7%), and were housekeepers (26.8%). The mean of nursing care quality from the inpatient's perspective were classified as relatively favorable (2.51± 0.71). Moreover, the maximum and minimum score was related to the dimensions of communication (2.59 ± 0.81), and psychosocial (2.48 ± 0.68), respectively. This study’s results showed that there was no significant relationship among the demographic variables with the total score of nursing care quality, and its dimensions (P-Value > 0.05).
Conclusion: Since the nursing care quality from the inpatient's perspective was classified as relatively favorable, holding training courses for the clinical nurses and nursing students, and monitoring of these courses continuously can increase the quality of nursing care to the level expected by the patients.

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Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Health economic
Received: 2023/02/1 | Accepted: 2023/05/3 | Published: 2025/01/22

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