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Physical Education : Physical Education

FAQ on Physical Education

1-What time is appropriate to exercise?
Afternoon is the best time to exercise. Body temperature is the notable point and has a determining role in performing the skills. Temperature, strength and flexibility of the body is at its highest point In the afternoons. During 4 pm to 8 pm, body strength and flexibility is about 5 percent higher than the other hours of the day.

2-What is the mother of physical activities and what benefits does it have?
Walking is one of the best sports in controlling weight that directly burns fat. But high heart rate is the essential key to burn fats (However, this heart rate should remain constant).
If you want to start exercise, it is better to know that:
Controlling by a physician and consultation with a sport expert is recommended before starting sport for the first time. With respect to their preparation these people should start walking 10 minutes a day and 3 days a week and then add 2 or 3 more minutes in coming weeks. In order to add practice, new subjects should raise duration factor, this action should continue base on expert permission.
While you are angry, your blood pressure rises and Adrenalin is secreted in your blood. These events happen to rapid react during stressful conditions, however in case of constant stress situations; your immune system will be weaken and may put you in risk of different diseases.
Walking causes secretion of beta endorphin hormone which is from morphine family and is completely relaxing. This hormone is addictive addiction but in a good and useful way.
Achievements of walking:
a. It improves memory
b. Researches have indicated that aerobic sport activities reduce risk of colon, breast, and uterus cancers
c. Some women are worried about enlargement of their leg muscles during walking. They should know that muscles enlargement don't occur, instead their leg muscles will get elongated and tightened. Because regular walking, is a fat burning process.

3- What is the correct way of walking?
•    Loosen your shoulders, look straight forward and don’t move your head; Just look ahead
•    You should take 135 steps per minute
•    Move your arms during walking, Bend your elbows and form 90 degree angles
•    Put your toes straight forward during walking
•    Keep your back and abdomen straight, and hold your head up
•    take long steps along with feeling comfortable
•    Try to use other parts of your body in addition to your legs
•    Your shoulders, chest, arms and hands movement should be in proportion to your legs movement and notice that the more you move the more calories you will burn.

4-Does aerobic have any effect on creativity?
This sport affects on cardiovascular and breathing system. It gets oxygen at high speed and delivers it to different parts of the body, combined oral and nasal breathing is done uniformly and will cause transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, controlling blood pressure, blood sugar and causes the body to lose extra weight.
Aerobic activities has effective role in prevention of depression, impatience, dysphoria and result in euphoria, since it produces endorphin hormone which causes increase of vitality, mental focus and creativity. Aerobic will be suitable to any age if it is done correctly. The best age to do specialized bodybuilding exercises is 15 years old and above, because children before puberty shouldn’t lift heavy weights
For women over 40, lifting is the best exercise, however it’s better for them before starting that kind of exercise to consult their physician and perform bone density test and take ECG. On the other hand elderly people should take care of their soft tissues and by increasing age they should use lighter weights.

5-Does exercise help in losing weight?
Exercising doesn't make thin by itself. Conversely, severe weight gain can be achieved in the case of heavy exercise, since exercise increases muscular mass which are harder than fat mass. But sport activity increases use of energy which is essential to maintain the weight after slimming down. However exercising burns fat bulks. Body provides its required energy through exercising and by burning muscular and liver fat and fatty acids in the blood.
Exercise reduces the body's resistance to insulin. Finally exercise improves cardiovascular health by increasing HDL and reduction of blood pressure.

6-What are the benefits of exercise to reduce physical side effects?
Exercise is the best and the cheapest way of prevention and curing Arthritis. It is recommended to housewives to perform harmonic sport movements in order to prevent this disease o to reduce its development. In fact exercise by improving joint nutrition can effectively prevent this sickness and help to cure it. Of course along with exercise, consuming antioxidant supplements, E and C vitamins and foods like soybean and ginger can reduce arthritis symptoms.       

7-Dose exercise improve temperamental condition?
Exercise improves gastrointestinal status and accelerates transportation of food through the intestines. Usually after the exercise, in case of suffering from constipation, the intestines return to their normal stat. So exercise regularly to have better digestion and be healthy.

8-Dose exercise improves immune system of the body?
Regular exercise increases number of leukocytes as well as killer cells to defend body against infections. It stimulates production of antibodies. Besides that doing regular exercise can reduce stress. stress itself can have negative effect and pressure on immune system. 

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