fdo Golestan- ADR

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Registration and reviewing of adverse drug reaction(ADR)

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the adverse drug reaction consists of any adverse and unwanted reaction which occurs at normal doses

Yellow form:
To collect reports of side effects and according to international standards, the yellow form has been prepared In case of contact with this center (32424004-Gorgan) which will be given in required number to all healthcare staff. After completing the forms, they can be sent to Tehran, PO Box 948-14185. Postage cost has been paid.

Registration and reviewing of adverse drug reaction:
Adverse drug reaction investigation institute as the only national center deals with the collection and recording the medication's side effects observed by the medical community, this center from 1998 as a member of the World Health Organization have been accepted in international monitoring of drug products. Collecting the injective diclofenac is among the notable results of this Centre. Deaths caused by the consumption of medicinal products has been estimated more than deaths caused by accidents, breast cancer or AIDS

ADR in addition to the financial costs can result in social consequences:
1- Create distrust of the drug manufacturers
2- Mortality
3- Lack of trust in the country's health system (doctors, Pharmacists, nurses…)
4-Lack of trust in government

The main factors in ADR development:
1- Drug-related factors (Route of administration, dosage, drug-related preparation problems)
2- Patient- related factors (Pharmacokinetic differences, age, genetic differences, drug allergies, lack of awareness)

Effective factors in reducing ADR:
1-Doctor's awareness of patient's medical history
2- Complete knowledge of the pharmacology of drugs prescribed
3- Full awareness of patient profile
4- Minimizing medication administration

The benefits of ADR programs in hospitals:
1-Improving the treatment quality
2- Avoiding legal complaints
3- Evaluation of the doctors and other medical staff
4-Improving drug knowledge in Health staff

Reasons cause decrease in ADR reporting:
1- Lack of appropriate information about reporting mechanisms
2-Unavailability of appropriate form
3- Not important side effects in terms of reporter
4- Lack of time to fill out the form
5-Avoiding conflicts of paperwork
6- Fear of legal and criminal complaints
7- Uncertainty of complication caused by the drug

Why ADR should be reported?
1-Evaluation of quality of medicinal products
2- Reducing the risk of ADR
3- Drug safety assessment
5-Drug safety assessment

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