Health- Educational content
Pregnancy care

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2014/08/4 | 


There is a need to control, change the medication, complications' assessment in many diseases prior to pregnancy. Lack of attention to disease increases the mortality rate of maternal / fetal / neonatal



Diseases and conditions affecting pregnancy and need paying attention at the time before pregnancy are as following: heart disease, diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, mental disorders, anemia, thalassemia, epilepsy, hypertension, tuberculosis, thyroid disease, Consumers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs, symptomatic vaginal infections, body mass index greater than 25 and less than 18/5, eating disorders, poly cystic ovary syndrome


Self-care actions before pregnancy


Refer to health centers for medical examination and Midwifery

Preliminary tests in order to identify some of the problems before pregnancy

Doing Papsmear

Consuming folic acid supplements for at least 3 months before pregnancy

Consultation with doctor about any possible disease before pregnancy

If the pre-pregnancy result is abnormal, follow-up should be done by a doctor to treat or control the disease.



 The importance of prenatal care


Prenatal care includes a series of steps in which a periodic examination, testing and preclinical studies are offered to mothers also maternal education and her family education will be performed.Recognizing the danger signs, Timely referral for treatment and preparing mother for delivery is the purpose of these practices which prevent obstetric complications in the mother, fetus and newborn and finally leads to a lower mortality rate


Self-care actions during pregnancy


Timely referral for pregnancy diagnosis, one to two weeks after cessation of menstruation

Referring to physician, midwife or health care centers at the specified time for routine pregnancy care


Usually a normal pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. Necessary care should be offered to mother 8 times in this period (two times in the first 20 weeks and 6 times in the second 20 weeks of pregnancy).


Meeting times are as follow:


 First time: visiting in one of the 6 to 10 weeks of the pregnancy

 Second time: visiting in one of the 16 to 20 weeks of the pregnancy


 Third time: visiting in one of the 26 to 30 weeks of the pregnancy

 Fourth time: visiting in one of the 31 to 34 weeks of the pregnancy

 Fifth time: visiting in one of the 35 to 37 weeks of the pregnancy


Sixth time: visiting in 38th week of the pregnancy



Seventh time: visiting in 39th week of the pregnancy

Eighth time: visiting in 40th week of the pregnancy


Note: According to the mother situation and doctor or midwife orders the number of the visits may change.


Screening tests for fetal abnormalities in pregnancy

Routine pregnancy and ultrasound tests in pregnancy

Daily consumption of 400 micrograms of folic acid until the end of pregnancy (The pills are recommended 3 months before pregnancy.)

Iron supplementation one tablet daily from 16 weeks of pregnancy to three months postpartum, one tablet daily

Taking one multivitamin tablet or capsule daily from sixteenth week until the end of pregnancy (no more folic acid is needed if the multivitamin tablet contains 400 micrograms of it)

 Note: Before taking multivitamin pills, check the available amount of vitamin A with your doctor or midwife, since the excessive amounts will be harmful in pregnancy

Participating in childbirth Preparation classes from 20 weeks of pregnancy

Paying attention to the danger signs in pregnancy, once encountering any of the following symptoms, you should immediately go to hospital or medical centers:


Bleeding or spotting- Reduction or absence of fetal movement- Sudden runny or getting wet- Unilateral swelling and joint pain of the legs and thighs- Abdominal and flank pain or heart pain- Burning or pain when urinating- Persistent and severe vomiting or bloody- Fever and chill- Shortness of breath and palpitations- Swelling of hands, face or the whole body- Headache and blurred vision- Sudden weight gain- Infections, abscesses and tooth pain


Common complaints during pregnancy and postpartum


First half of the pregnancy


1- Breasts become Painful and sensitive

**Cold compresses relieves this problem

** These conditions are not harmful for mother and merely because the body adapts itself to changes occurring during pregnancy and gradually improved.

** In the absence of gradual improvement for any of the common complaints, it is necessary to visit your doctor or refer to a health unit


2- Frequent urination

**This is due to the increased volume of the uterus and consequently pressure on the bladder, this happened and we should make mother sure that this problem will be solved in the second Trimester


3- Fatigue


 ** Fatigue is caused by hormonal and physiological changes and intermittent rest during the day will be helpful


4- Morning sickness


** Morning sickness is caused by hormonal changes which can be improved using dry biscuits or bread and changes in dietary patterns


5- Increased saliva

** Increased saliva is improved by limiting some starchy diets

 6- Increased vaginal discharge


**Increased vaginal discharge is caused by hormonal and physiological changes and fungal infections can be prevented by constantly changes in underwear


7- Changes in mood and behavior


**Changing in mood is the result of hormonal changes and family support is very useful in Acceptance of the current situation


8- Hyperemesis gravidarum

** it is the result of hormonal and physiological changes in gastrointestinal as well as psychological effects of pregnancy which can be improved by using suitable nutritional patterns and usually it will resolve spontaneously in the second trimester of pregnancy.


Second half of pregnancy



1-Skin toning of the certain parts of the body like some areas around the breasts and navel


**These variations are caused by hormonal changes and will improve after pregnancy


2- Constipation and bloating

** Constipation and bloating are caused by hormonal changes and slow gastrointestinal motility which can be improved by modifying nutrition pattern, using fiber and laxative foods as well as doing mild exercise movements


3- Increased vaginal discharge


**Increased vaginal discharge is caused by hormonal and physiological changes and fungal infections can be prevented by constantly changes in underwear


4- Back pain

**Back pain is caused by enlargement of the abdomen, uterine pressure on the spine and stretching of muscles and ligaments around the spine and pelvis


5- Heartburn


** Heartburn caused by hormonal changes, delay in digestion as well as uterine pressure on the stomach. by modifying Food consumption pattern, Sleeping in a semi-sitting position, Increased meal frequency and reducing the size of the meals as well as Limiting stimuli foods such as coffee, spices and tea


6- Frequent urination


** Frequent urination caused by enlargement of the uterus and fetus descent into the pelvis resulting in increased pressure on the bladder and reducing its volume. It will improve after delivery.


The importance of postnatal care


Many mothers are at the risk of infection, bleeding and high blood pressure after delivery Therefore it is essential for mother to visit doctor after delivery at the designated time in order to ensure her health and her baby health


Postpartum self-care actions



Refer at the following times to health centers, doctors or midwife for postpartum cares


Referral time:


The first visit: The first three days

 The second visit: Ten to fifteen days after delivery

The third visit: forty two to sixty days after delivery

Note: According to the mother situation and doctor or midwife orders the number of the visits may change.

Paying attention to the danger signs after delivery, once encountering any of the following symptoms you should immediately go to hospital or medical centers:


Excessive menstrual bleeding during the first week- Pain and burning and discharge at the site of sutures- pain in abdomen and flanks- Severe depression- Postpartum insanity- Burning or pain during urination- purulent and malodorous discharge from vagina- Breast pain, swelling and stiffness- ague- Unilateral swelling and joint pain of the legs and thighs- dyspnea- palpitations- vertigo- headache that does not improve with sedatives


Paying attention to individual health and having sanitary sutures:

Frequent replacement of sanitary pads and underwear, if your delivery was in vaginal form: Daily washing of the genital area, sitting in warm water, Using a hair dryer or heat lamp covered with cloth (For faster healing of sutures) and if your delivery was in cesarean form: Daily dressing of sutures, If there is redness and pain in the operated area, you should go to health centers.


Daily taking of a multivitamin and Iron tablet within 3 months after delivery


Safe delivery

         Delivery in a safe place by a skilled person (hospitals- medical centers- delivery facilities) is essential


It is necessary for a pregnant woman to refer to the nearest health center as soon as encountered delivery signs like; plasma discharge, rupture of membrane and  regular muscle pain in abdomen and back.












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