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April 4, 2021 -



September 5, 2020 -


Overall goals: Department of Research has established as an individual division within the GOUMS (Gorgan University of Medical Science) in 1999. This department mainly aspires to arrange, guide and support the research plans and activities and also encourages innovation with the university and special attention to gifted Iranian students and international scholars. Research department also hopes to provide suitable promotion of research capacities with higher quality and quantity which could lead to an increase in the production of knowledge and technology for health promotion in the international standards.    Major goals: • Planning research policies for the University and managing and executing of the research projects. • To develop and collaborate with regional, national and global departments in other universities to facilitate research project progress.• Creating institutes and research centers in an attempt to clinical research development.• Execution of research workshops in order to enhance researchers and other university staff's skills. • Learning opportunities for academic members such as sabbatical leaves.• Management of the official affairs related to research activities.• Publication of books, journals and bulletins to distribute the results of research activities and provide the ways for communication between researchers.• Supervising and supporting research-related publications of affiliated institutions.   Administrational Subdivisions:• Research & Technology Management  • Statistics & Information  Management • Health Technology Management• Office of  International Affairs • Students Research Committee • Ethical committee in research• Publication Affairs

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