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Piyushkumar Pargi, Manish Barvaliya, Bhargav Purohit,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (9-2024)

Background: Anti-diabetic properties of several Ficus species have been explored in animal studies; nevertheless, there is a dearth of research on the hypoglycemic effects of the bark of Ficus Lacor Buch.-Ham. To address this knowledge gap, this study was conducted to assess the hypoglycemic activity of an aqueous extract derived from the bark of Ficus Lacor Buch.-Ham in diabetic rabbits.
Methods: Diabetes was induced in rabbits using alloxan monohydrate (120 mg/kg intravenously). A total of thirty-six rabbits were divided into six groups, each consisting of six animals. The control groups comprised a non-diabetic control group and a diabetic control group. Two test groups, designated as the low-dose and high-dose extract group, received Ficus Lacor extract orally at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg, respectively, for 6 weeks. Metformin was utilized as an active control group. To evaluate the hypoglycemic effects in normal rabbits, a group of non-diabetic rabbits received Ficus Lacor extract at a dose of 200 mg/kg. Fasting and post-prandial blood sugar levels were monitored on a weekly basis for 6 weeks and subsequently compared. The percentage reduction in blood sugar levels was calculated for each group and compared among the study groups.
Results: At the end of the 6-week, the low-dose Ficus Lacor extract led to an average reduction of 38.3% in FBS and 40.5% in PP2BS, while the high-dose Ficus Lacor extract resulted in an average reduction of 35.3% in FBS and 36.3% in PP2BS.
Conclusion: Aqueous extract of bark of Ficus Lacor demonstrates significant hypoglycemic activity.
Biranvand E, Abedian Kenary S, Ghaheri A, Rezaee M S, Hasannia H, Nasrolahi M, Parsaee Mr, Ahanjan M, Biranvand B, Ahmadi Basiri E,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Interferon-Gamma and interferon Gamma receptor (IFNγ ⁄ IFNγR1) are the main genes associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis. We aimed at studying on interferon-Gamma Gene polymorphism(- 56 C/T) in people suffered from tuberculosis (TB). Material and Methods: In this case-control study, the subjects were 62 individuals with TB and 74 healthy ones. Genomic DNA was extracted by DNA isolation kit(Roche Corporation), and genotype identification was performed by polymerase chain reaction-Restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Chi square and logistic regression, using SPSS soft ware (version 18), was used to compare genotype and alleles between case and control groups. Results: The frequency of TT genotype in tuberculosis patients and healthy person are 43.5% and 17.5%, respectively. Based on Logistic regression (odd ration 0.148, p=0.0006), there is significant difference between Case and Control. In addition, the frequency of T allele is, in case group, 62.09 % the difference between case and control is significant, based on Logistic regression (odd ratio: 0.418, P=0.028). Conclusion: It is implied that -56C/T is associated with IFNγR1 promoter in tuberculosis patient. It is found to be associated with increased susceptibility to tuberculosis. Key words: Tuberculosis, IFNγR, PCR-RFLP
Jafari M, Khalojini M, Falahati M, Ghadimipoor H R, Bigvand P, Tavakoli S,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Candida albicans is a normal flora in skin and mucosa and is not pathogen in normal individuals.The main defence against yeasts ,particulary Candida, is phagocytes, but phagocytesis and opsonization are reduced in thalassemia . the aim of this study was the determination of the frequency of Candida albicans and its species in the oral cavity of patients with major thalassemia and normal individuals. Material and Methods: This descriptive –analytic study was Conducted on 52 patients with major thalassemia and 104 normal individuals in Hamadan,2009. The specimens from oral cavity of the patients and control group were taken by sterile swab and then the direct exam and culture of all specimens were done Results: The Candida species in patients with thalassemia are Candida albicans (32.7%), tropicalis (13.5%) glaberata(10.5%), guilliermondii(10.9%) and Krusei(10.9%). In normal individuals,the frequency is 17.3%for albicans, 3.8% For tropicalis ,1% for glaberata and 1%for kefyr.Fifty-nine percent of the subjects undergone splenctomy and 23% of those with heathy Spleen have Candida in their oral cavity, this differene is statistically meaningful. Conclusion:The results show that suffering from thalassemia and spleenectomy can increase the possibitity of oral infection by Candida species. Key words: Major thalassemia,Candida albicans,Oral Cavity.
Sultanpour M J, Imani Fooladi A A, Bagherpour G, Malek M,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Anaerobic microorganisms, particularly bacteroides play an important role in causing Pulp and preapical diseases that lead to chronic abscess. we aimed at studying anaerobie infections in necrotic teeth having Acute and chronic clinical symptoms. Material and Methods: We examined 28 necrotic teeth of 28 patients for the purpose of anaerobic culture fifteen cases with acute clinical symptoms and 13 ones with chronic clinical symptoms. In total 38 root canals from 28 teeth were subjected for examination and sampling. The samples were cultured on thioglycolate medium, sent to laboratory and tested in anaerobic condition for identification of bacteria. Results: The results indicate that 76% of isolated bacteria from necrotic canals obligate anaerobes and 24% are facultative anaerobes. The most common isolated microorganisms are peptostreptococci, fusobacterium and bacteroides. Conclusion: These results are in agreement with the results of other researchers and it has been determined that bacteroids play an important role in destroying the necrotic teeth's bone. Anaerobic bacteria causing dental infactions are less identified and diagnosed, therefore, dentist and clinical lab should take this into account. Key words: Anaerobic Bacteria, Necrotic tooth, Pulp, preapical
Teyhoo M, Mobin H, Mozafari N A, Moadab S R, Sedigh Bayan Kh, Mones Rast Sh,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important etiological agents of hospital and community acquired infections. The enterotoxins and toxin shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) are among the most common virulent determinants of this bacterium. They are also well-known for their super-antigenic properties. The incidence of TSST-1 producing strains is also very alarming. The aim of this investigation was to survey the prevalence of TSST-1 gene in the clinical isolates of S. aureus recovered from hospitalized patients in Shohada hospital of Tabriz, Iran. Material and Methods: During one year period, 1454 specimens obtained from hospitalized patients were investigated. After doing Isolation and purification, the isolates were identified by routine bacteriological methodologies.Their antibiotic susceptibility patterns were determined by agar disk diffusion method. Following genomic DNA extraction by boiling method, the presence of TSST-1 gene was analyzed by PCR. Results: A total 100 S. aureus isolates were recovered (6.87%). Antibiogram results indicate that all of the isolates are sensitive to linzolid 83% of them are resistant to meticillin. The prevalence rate of TSST-1 gene in the isolates is 20%. Conclusion: The high prevalence of TSST-1 gene in studied S. aureus strains and their circulation in the community can have a potentially alarming effect on general health of community. Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, TSST-1, Antibiotic resistance, PCR
Shahande Z, Sadighian F, Shafi H, Ebrahimnejad A,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Infection stones are the directly due to persistent or recurrent infection with Urease producing bacteria. they may be exacerbated by urinary obstruction or stasis. Also, some drug components like ciprofloxacin can be the cause of stone formation. We aimed at studing antibiotic resistance of bacteria isolated form kidney stones and Urinary tract infection(UtI). Material and Methods: This descriptive study, during 2008-2010,we obtained kidney stones and urine of 45 patients under gone nephrolithotomy in shahid Beheshti hospital of Babol, Iran. The stones were transferred to microbiology Lab in a strile Condition, after grinding, cultured on Blood Agar and Eosin-Methylene Blue(EMB) media. In Addilion, urin Samples were cultured on the for mentioned media. The Positive cultures were qualitatively evaluated and then, antibiogram was done by using Kirby Bauer method. Results: The resulte show that 10 kidney stone specimens and 8 urine samples were infected by bacteria, mostly by E.coli. In one stone sample and two urine samples, we can isolate more than one bacteria. The bacteria isolated in the stone and urine samples of six patients was the same. We could find two cases of staphylococcus inurine and one in stone culture. The bacteria isolated from stone are resistance to oflaxacin(80%) , which is higher than that to the other antibiotics. Conclusion: Based on the results, there is no relationship between the kind of kidney stone and type of bacteria. Further study needs to be done to prove this relation. Key words: Kidney stone, Antibiogram, E.coli, Infected stone.
Jafarpur M, Nazemi A, Mirzaee A, Rahbar Farzamee Hagh S,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Group A Streptococcus (GAS) strains have been identified by serologic methods based on surface protein antigens, T and M. Accordingly, different serotypes have been reported worldwide. Recently, the previous out of date procedures have been replaced by N-terminal emm gene sequence, which has been used in identifying more than 150 emm types. We aimed to determine the prevalence of emm types and phenotypes resistance to erythromycin among streptococci isolated from the throat in north of Iran. Material and Methods: 50 GAS isolates from sore throat of patients referred to a few local hospitals in Tonekabon, Ramsar, and Chalus in northwest of Iran (2010-2011), by using blood agar, bacitracin sensitivity test, PYR test and agglutination by specific antiserum. Antibiotic resistance of the isolates was determined by the discs branded by Iranian Padtan Teb Company, using Kirby Bauer Test, and analyzed by CLSI standards. The mechanism of resistance to erythromycin was evaluated by Double Disk Diffusion Test in the presence of erythromycin and clindamycin. emm gene of all isolates were reproduced and their PCR products sequenced by the Korean Macrogen company. To determine the emm types, using BLAST2.0 program (National Center for Biotechnology Information, available in / BLAST), and the emm gene sequences were compared with sequences in the gene bank. Results: we identified Four different types of emm, including e mm5 (26 52 %), emm12 (12 24%), emm79 (6 % 12) and emm86 (6 % 12). All beta lactam antibiotics have inhibitory effect on isolates, while18% of isolates (9 of 50) are resistant to erythromycin. The most common resistance phenotype is cMLSB (% 66.6) and the next one is phenotype M (% 33.3), but phenotype iMLSB is not observed in none of the isolates. Twelve percent (6cases) of isolates are resistant to clindamycin. Conclusion: The results of present study show different types of GAS than those reported worldwide. The emergences of emm86 in pharyngitis and erythromycin resistance are the two valuable findings of this research. Keywords:Streotococcus pyogenes,erythromycin,cMLSB,iMLSB
Livani S, Mirinargesi M, Nemati-Shoja E, Rafiei S, Taziki M, Tabarraei A, ,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Identification and monitoring of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains (MDR) is highlighted by the high risk of their spreading in different areas. Prevalence of these strains was evaluated in Golestan province in northeast of Iran. Material and Methods: Drug susceptibility testing to Isoniazid and rifampin was carried out for 148 clinical samples that had grown in Mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) system, according to the manufacturer's instructions (Becton-Dickinson, USA). The association of drug resistance frequency with demographic characteristics and growth time were investigated. The appropriate statistical tests, X2 and student T- test were performed for comparison of these variants. A p value>0.05 was considered significant in all cases. Results: The turnaround time required for growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in MGIT system was between 2 to 55 days (mean 16.3±10.4 days). Of all samples studied, 17.6% and 3.4% were resistant to Isoniazid and rifampin, respectively, and 3.4% (5 samples) were MDR (CI 95% 1-6%). The turnaround time required for determining MDR cases was 9.6 days. No statistically significant association was found between the resistance to the drugs and none of the factors including sex, age, type of clinical sample, and positivity of the smear. Conclusion: The prevalence of MDR in the studied region was determined to be 3.4% which is similar to the country-wide evaluations. The turnaround time for Mycobacterium growth and anti drug susceptibility result can be shortened by MGIT method. Key words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium Growth Indicator Tube, Multidrug Resistant
Moradi Av, Azadfar S, Fatemehcheraghali, Javid N, Ghaemi A, Tabarraei A,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Mumps virus is one of the first known causative agents of meningitis in children. On-time diagnosis is the first step in treating meningitis. We aimed to evaluate Mumps virus meningitis in children in Gorgan, Iran Material and Methods: CSF and blood samples were taken from children with meningitis, Jun 2008 till Sep 2010. For 40 samples with negative bacterial culture, Extraction of viral RNA was carried out and Real-time PCR was performed for detection of Mumps virus. Demographic, clinical, biochemical and cytological data were collected. We run SPSS version 18 to analyze the data, using Chi Square (p<0.05). Results: three (7.5 %) samples have Mumps virus, two boys and one girl. All three positive cases have 0.5-1 degrees Celsius fever and vomiting but no bulging fontanel. They have not Kernig, Rodor, Brudzinski’s sign, hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, pharyngitis and rash. ESR is higher than normal in all positive cases and CRP is positive in two cases. Protein of CSF in one case is higher than normal range. Conclusion: meningitis is an emergency condition therefore, molecular diagnostic techniques are recommended for early diagnosis and intervention. Key words: meningitis, mumps virus, cerebrospinal fluid, Real-Time PCR
Soltan Dallal. M.m, Rahimi Forushani, A., Sadigh Maroufi, S, Sharifi Yazdi, K,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Bachground and objectives: Salmonella is one of the most important agents of gastrointestinal infection and diarrhea in our country. Misdiagnosis of these bacteria leads to cure failure. The aim of this study was to make a comparison between PCR and the API-20E and conventional biochemical tests carried out for the identification of Salmonella. Material and Methods: In this study 470 specimens taken from children, with acute gastroenteritis, referred to teaching hospitals called Imam, Shariati and children medical centre. The specimens were transferred to microbiology laboratory in public health school for identification of Salmonella with PCR and API-20E methods. Results: Of 470 specimens, 65(13.8%) are positive for salmonella in hospital laboratory, while 37 (7.9%) for API-20E and 39 (8.3%) for PCR are positive. The results of antibiotic sensitivity tests on 39 salmonella isolated from diarrhea specimens show that 73.3% of them are resistance to at least one of the sixteen antibiotics tested. Conclusion: Based on the the results, there is significant difference (P<0.05) between conventional method, API-20E and PCR Key words: Salmonella, conventional identification, molecular identification
Hoseini, S. S. (msc), Rudbar Mohammadi, Sh. (phd), Joshaghani, H. R. (phd),
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Candida albicans is a human opportunistic fungus causing mucosal and systemic infections in immunocompromised individuals. There is evidence of increasing resistance to antifungal agents, thus it is necessary to search about new formulations for finding the antifungal agents. Some plants have antimicrobial properties due to presence of components such as polyphenols. We aimed at evaluating antifungal effects of Carvacrol essence, which is the main compound of essential oil of Thymus vulgaris, on standard Fluconazole sensitive and resistance strains of Candida albicans. Material and Methods: This study evaluated the antiCandida activity of essential oil Carvacrol by means of Inhibitory zone diameter and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), using Microdilution broth and Disc diffusion methods. To do this, Serial dilutions (10-100 µl) of essential oils were made in 96 well microtiter plates. The wells’ opacity was assessed by using a microtiter plate reader of solution. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of essential oil Carvacrol and Fluconazole were measured by counting the number of colony in Dextro agar medium. Results: the minimum inhibitory concentration of Carvacrol essence in standard strains and Fluconazole-resistance Candida albicans are, respectively, 5.3 and 6.18µg/ml, and the Minimal Fungicide Concentration (MFC) are 10.61 and 12. 3µg/ml. Inhibitory zone diameters are 45 and 35 millimeter for Fluconazole sensitive and resistance Candida albicans, respectively. Conclusion: the results show that essence of Carvacrol has suitable antifungal effects against standard strains and Fluconazole sensitive and resistance of Candida albicans. These herbal essences, after supplementary studies, possibly can be used for infections caused by Candidas. Key words: Antifungal activity Carvacrol Candida albicans Fluconazole
Tajeddin, E. (msc), Jahani Sherafat, S. (msc), Seyyed Majidi, M. R. (md), Alebouyeh, M. (phd), Nazemalhosseini Mojarad, E. (msc), Pourhossengholi, A. (phd), Mohammad Alizadeh A H (md), Zali, Mr (md),
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract Background and objectives: Bile in healthy people is a sterile fluid and presence of any microorganism can be a marker for a disorder like cholelithiasis. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of bacterial agents in the bile of patients with bilestone, malignant pancreatic and biliary diseases. Material and Methods: One hundred and two bile samples were obtained, during six months in 2011, from patients subjected to ERCP in Taleghani hospital, Tehran. First, Patient's clinical data, the type stone, and their disease status were studied, and then the microbiological investigations, such as culture, identification of the bacteria and detection of their counts, drug susceptibility testing and molecular tests (16s rDNA PCR) performed on all the samples. Higher than 103 bacteria counts for each sample, in the absence of underlying infections, was considered as stable colonization. We run SPSS version 13 to analyze the data. Results: Out of 42(41.1%) positive bile culture samples, 59 bacterial isolates are detected by conventional methods. Of culture negative samples, seven have bacterial DNA indicated by PCR method. The most isolated bacteria are E. coli (%34.4), Enterococcus spp. (%19.7), Klebsiella pneumoniae (%18) and Pseudomonas aeruginos (18%). The most frequent stones are cholesterol, black pigment and brown pigment, respectively. There is no significant association between the diseases, stones and types of bacteria. Previous antibiotic usage (44.6%) is meaningfully more than that of other biliary problems (p=0.01) Conclusion: The presence of bacteria, Escherchi coli and Entrococcus which are the most in bile samples, is considered as a risk factor in pathogenesis of biliary disorders. Further studies on the pathogenesis and pathophysiological effects of bacteria can help us to clarify the role of bacteria in producing bile stones. Key words: Bile stones, Bacteria, ERCP, Antibiotics.
Doudi M, Naghsh N, Heiedarpour A,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract: Background and objectives: Antibiotic resistant to Antimicrobial agents is one of the most important concern in hospitals, which can lead to increased costs, treatment fails and mortality rates. The aim of this study was identification of Gram-negative bacilli resistant to extended-spectrum β-lactamase Enzymes (ESBLs) and determination of the effect of silver nanoparticles on them. Materials & Methods: of 276 clinical samples referred to three hospitals of Isfahan city, 186 gram negative bacilli were studied. To recognize ESBLs production, the bacilli was assessed by disk diffusion method and confirmed by DDT and Double Disk approximation Test. The ESBL producing bacteria were subjected to increasing concentrations (12.5, 25, 50,100,200,400 and 500 ppm) of silver nanoparticles, prepared in Tehran Nano Pars Company, and Inhibitory zone diameter was measured. Results: of 186 isolates, 140 (%75/3) are gram-negative bacilli producing ESBLs and 46 (24.7%) of them without this capability. Most of ESBLs bacteria are belonged to urine infections and the most prevalent bacterium is Klebsiella pneumonia. All samples are sensitive to the nano silver solution with density of 100 ppm. Enterobacter aerogenes (24 mm) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23mm) have the greatest Inhibitory zone diameter in the presence of 500 ppm of silver nanoparticles. Conclusion: It seems that silver nanoparticles have inhibitory effect on all studied gram negative bacilli. The inhibitory effect of silver nanoparticles against ESBL producing Gram negative bacteria is dose depended Keywords: Gram-negative bacilli, ESBLs, silver nanoparticles.
Noroozi , R, Mehdinezhad, Mh, Zafarzadeh A,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (10-2011)

Abstract: Background and objectives: There is a great interest in photocatalytic oxidation of contaminants, using ZnO, in recent years. The main objective of this research was to study photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli bacteria as water microbial pollution index, using nano particles of ZnO and a UV lamp in a batch reactor. Material and Methods: In this study, the contaminated water sample was prepared through adding 102 and 103 E. coli bacteria per ml of raw water. The contaminated water entered the photocatalytic oxidation reactor and removal efficiency of E. coli bacteria in different conditions were studied, including pH (5.5, 7, and 9), time (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 mins), dose of nano particles ZnO (0.2,0.4,0.8 and 1 gr/l), number of bacterium (102 and 103 per milliliter) and voltage of UV-C lamp, 27 volts. Characterizations of ZnO nanoparticles were determined using scanning electron microscope equipped with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) system and X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. Results: Photocatalytic process efficiency is enhanced by increasing reaction time and dose of nano particles ZnO in the presence of UV lamp irradiation. The results show that the best conditions for removal of 102 and 103 bacteria per milliliter are obtained from condition including pH of 7, reaction time of 30 mins, 0.8 gr/l doses of nano particles ZnO and 27-volt-UV lamp. Conclusion: The results indicate that the increase of reaction time and dose of nano particles ZnO, in the presence of radiation UV lamp, have the most significant effect on photocatalytic efficiency. Based on the results, photocatalytic can be promising method for removal of E. coli bacterium from drinking water. Keywords: Photocatalytic, E. coli, irradiation UV, ZnO nanoparticles, water treatment
Soltan Dallal Mm, Rahimi Forushani A, Bakhtiari R,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: Helicobacter pylori is a helical gram negative bacterium with polar flagella, discovered by Warren and Marshall in 1983. Helicobacter pylori exist in the stomach mucus tissue of less than 20% of people under 30 years old, but this amount would increase up to 40% and 60% in 60- year- old people. The aim of this study was to compare three methods of culture media, direct slide staining and the urease test for the rapid diagnosis of bacterium in case of peptic or duodenal ulcer. Material and Methods: In This descriptive study, duplicate biopsy specimens were taken from 82 clients referring to four different Hospitals .In endoscopy room of the Hospitals, a rapid urease test were carried out on one of duplicate specimens for the presence or non-presence of Helicobacter pylori. In order to see the Helicobacter pylori in the tissues, three slides using foushin, giemsa, and gram staining were prepared from the second specimens. Then, the specimens were incubated into selective culture media and incubated for 4-6 days in micoraerophilic condition. Results: Of 82 tested specimens 70(85.5%) and 66(80.5%) are identified as Helicobacter pylori by positive urease and culture medium, respectively. The frequency of foushin, giemsa, and gram staining are 67 (81.7%), 66 (80.5%), and 61 (74.4%), respectively. The foushin staining is the best with 100% sensitivity among the other methods. Conclusion: Based on difference between proportions, There is no significant difference between staining methods (foshin, giemsa, gram staining) and culture media in all cases. Key words: Helicobacter pylori, microscopic methods, urease test, culture media, identification
Mousazade Moghadam M, Babavalian H, Mirnejad R, Shakeri F,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: Genomic DNA extraction of bacterial cells is of processes performed normally in most biological laboratories therefore, various methods have been offered, manually and kit, which may be time consuming and costly. In this paper, genomic DNA extraction of Staphylococcus aureus was investigated using some laundry detergent brands available in Iran to achieve a rapid and cost effective method. Material and Methods: five-enzyme Taj brand, three-enzyme Saftlan brand ,and Darya and Pak brands without enzyme were used in the concentrations of 10, 20, 40, 80 mg/L. Afterwards, in order to evaluate the efficiency of extracted DNA in downstream processing, PCR test was performed for femA gene in the genome of Staphylococcus aureus. Results: DNA extraction using different concentrations of the brands show that extracted DNA using 40 mg/L Saftlan and Taj brand powders have the best results according concentration (µg/ml) and purity (A260/A280) parameters. These parameters are 387.5 1.88 (Taj), 254.1 2.80 (Softlan), 396.6 1.95 (Manual) and 423.3 2.2 (Kit), respectively. Afterward, the PCR test results by show that DNA extraction using laundry detergents has no effect on its efficiency in order to be used in downstream processes. Conclusion: These results indicate that the proper concentrations of laundry detergents can be used to extract genomic DNA with similar efficiency to kit and manual extraction methods. Key words: Bacterial genome, DNA extraction, laundry powder, PCR, Staphylococcus aureus
Babaii Kochaksaraii M, Nasrolahiomran A, Javid N, Shakeri F, Yazdi M, Ghaemi E A,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: The increase of ESBL producing E.coli can create a tremendous difficult y for the health system. These isolates leads to rapid transmission of causative genes to other clinically important bacteria and synchronously increased resistant to other antibiotics. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of this isolate and related genes in Gorgan, North of Iran. Material and Methods: This study was conducted on 218 isolated E.coli from urinary tract infection of outpatients referring to six medical laboratories in Gorgan, during 2010-11. The resistance to Cefotaxim (Mast Co.) was assessed by Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion method. The confirmatory test for detection of resistant isolates was carried out by double disk method at the presence of Cefotaxim and clavulanic acid. The presence of β lactamase gene of blatem, blactx and blashv in ESBL was assessed by PCR method. Results: of 218, 70 isolates (32.1%) are resistant to Cefotaxim. Sixty-two (88.6%) of them are confirmed as ESBL producing E.coli. β lactamase genes of blactx, blatem and blashv can be seen in 28(45.2%), 26(41.9%) and 6(9.7%) isolates, respectively. Conclusion: the prevalence of ESBL producing E.coli in Gorgan is in the range of country average and blaCTX-M gene is the most common gene. Key words: E.coli, ESBL, bla gene, UTI
Khoshdel Rad N, Mashayekhi F, Mirzajani E,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: C-Met is a proto-oncogene that encodes a protein known as hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR). The HGF receptor possesses tyrosine -kinase activity and it is essential for embryonic development, wound healing and cancer. Many proteins are proteolytically released from the surface by a process known as ectodomain shedding. Shedding occurs under normal physiologic conditions and can be increased in certain pathologies. C-Met can be seen among many receptors for which ectodomain shedding has been shown. The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of soluble c-Met in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples of patients with viral and bacterial meningitis. Material and Methods: in this study, 75 CSF and serum samples of patients with bacterial meningitis, 71 with viral meningitis and 82 normal controls were investigated. The soluble c-Met concentration was determined by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Result: the amount of soluble c-met in CSF of patients with bacterial meningitis ( 83.91±5.50), viral meningitis ( 80.41±4.71) and control group ( 22.66±3.39) are compared with that in serum of patients with bacterial meningitis ( 561.58±25.87), viral meningitis ( 550.50 ±34.34) and control group ( 256.25±18.55). There is significant increase in the CSF and serum’s soluble c-Met expression in the patients with meningitis, in comparison with control group. Conclusion: The data presented here indicate that soluble c-Met is a constant component of human serum and CSF, but it can not be used for differentiating bacterial meningitis from viral meningitis. Key words: Soluble c-Met, concentration, cerebrospinal fluid, serum, meningitis
Koohsar F, Amini A, Ayatollahi A A, Noshak Gh, Hedayatmofidi H S, Namjoo M,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: Food handlers could be the main sources of intestinal parasite transmission in case of not observing the hygienic rules. Contamination can be decreased by screening food handlers through physical exam and laboratory tests. The aim of this study was determining the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 2010. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional research was carried out on 500 randomly selected individuals engaged in different food related careers. After filling out the questionnaire sheets, two specimens of feces were collected from each person and tested by brine 30% (floatation) and direct methods. Result: The results show that the prevalence of intestinal parasites is 6%. The highest prevalence is relateted to Giardia lamblia ( 17 4.3%) and the lowest to Hymenolepis nana ( 3 0.6%). in the age group of 60-51 years (11.8%) and individuals who just able to read and write (7.4%) The highest percentage is observed. The Most contamination is reported in butchery staff (25%) and the lowest in people worked in butler's pantry, without parasitic infections. Conclusion: The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections are high relatively, especially pathogenic protozoan therefore, it is important be careful about health status of these individuals and their role in the spread of pollution. Key words: Intestinal Parasites, Food Handlers, Prevalence, Gorgan
Mirbagheri M, Taghipour H R, Farhadi N, Mirbagheri L, Imani Foladi Aa, Nourani M R,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2012)

Abstract Background and objectives: cardiac surgery is often associated with acute kidney injury (AKI). Nowadays, AKI is typically diagnosed by an increase in serum creatinine, which is a delayed and unreliable biomarker. Recent studies recommended using the liver type fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) as an early biomarker. Material and Methods: The urine samples of 18 adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery were collected in different times before (2, 4,8,24 hour) and after cardiac surgery for detection of L-FABP by Elisa. Results: The results from ELISA test show that the increasing amount of L-FABP in urine samples of 4 patients is a diagnostic indicator for AKI. The mean concentration of L-FABP has increased up to 17 times at 8 hours after cardiac surgery compared to before surgery. Conclusion: according to our findings, we speculated that the urinary L-FABP can be a reliable and rapid biomarker for diagnosis of acute kidney injury. Key words: Acute Kidney Injury, Liver type Fatty Acid Binding Protein, Cardiac surgery

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