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F Niknezhad, Kh Kalavi, M Mofidi, A Sarikhani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background & Objectives: Thalassemia syndromes isone of the inherited disorders in which one or more globulin chains are affected. On the basis of clinical symptoms, thalassemias are categorized as minor, intermediate, and major. Minor beta -thalassemia is a mild microcytic hypo chromic anemia in most cases asymptomatic and HbA2 is more than normal. Materials & Methods: This study carried out on 813 blood samples obtained from male high school students of Aliabad Katool, in the north of Iran. After detecting red blood cell indices of the subjects whose MCV was less than 80fl HbA study performed. Results: The MCV of 8.24% of the subjects was less than 80fl.34 of 67 had HbA2 of less than 3.5 %(normal) while the rest more than 3.5%(minor). Conclusions: Since about 50% of microcytic anemic patients were the carrier of beta-thalassemia and it is highly Prevalent in this region (4.06%), we recommend to investigate HbA2 in people with MCV less than 80 fl. Keyword: Thalassemia, Thalassemia minor, HbA2, Iran

M Qureshi, M Zangiabadi, A Ebrahimzadeh,, M Rezaee Firoozabadi, M Rood Bari,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and Objective: Airborne fungi have been proposed as the most common cause of some adverse health effects such as skin, eye and respiratory disorders therefore, we carried out an aerobiological study to determine fungal seasonal frequency in the air of Zahedan, Iran. Materials and Methods: The air samples (n=1080) of this descriptive cross sectional study were obtained, in different hours, from different urban places of zahedan in 2001, and studied via sabouraud dextrose agar(S.D.A). Results: 1917 colonies were found in the 1080 studied plates and indicated that the most Common fungi were aspergillus(41%), penicillium(33%) and rhizopus(6.8%), based on chi square, The fungal frequencies in the evening(39.3%), at noon(38.2%) and in the morning(22.5%) were not statistically different . Highly contaminated area was down town (Bazar) and then hospitals. There was significant correlation (p<0.001) between fungal frequency and the seasons- winter (15.9%) and summer (31.4%). Conclusion: Based on the results, we suggest strongly improving environmental hygienic condition of the buildings and passages and rapid waste material disposal. It seems that the most effective strategy in decreasing fungal disorder is performing some educational programs. Keywords: Fungal agents, air, Zahedan.

H Taherkhani, Kh sardarian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background & Objectives: Giardia lamblia is one of the most common protozoa in human being throughout the world. The different isolates of this parasite have various potential pathogenicity. Clinical demonstrations of Giardiasis are acute diarrhea, chronic diarrhea syndrome and malabsorbtion.The aim of this study has been the observation of the different kinds of clinical features in patients with Giardia lamblia referred to the Hamadan faculty of medicine, 2004- 2005 Materials & Methods: The fecal samples of 274 patients referred to Hamadan faculty of medicine were examined via direct and Formol- Eter methods. By a questionnaire, the subjects’ clinical manifestations were recorded and then analyzed. Results: In this study, 20.4% of the patients (55.4% male, 44.6% female) were infected with Giardia. 46.5% of them complained of abdominal pain. The prevalence of Giardia was 30.8 %( 6-10 years) and 23.1% (1-5 years). The most common signs observed were abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting, respectively. Conclusion: The most common sign observed in this study was abdominal pain, partially similar to studies carried out in other parts of Iran and the world too. Key word: Giardiasis, Clinical Signs,Epidemioloy,Hamadan

A Halako, N Mozfari, H Forohesh, M Khormali,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstrac t

Background and Objectives:

pathogenic species of vibrio. It is a salt-requiring organism. It cases

watery diarrhea often with abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and

fever. This study was performed to assess the seawater samples of

Caspian coastal regions.

Vibrio parahaemolyticus is one of

Materials and methods:

APW and TCBS agar media and then biochemistry tests were used to

distinguish vibrio parahemolytic.

Methods used to isolate this organism were



Gaz and the rest from khomishan region.)

Of 73 seawater samples, we could isolate 32 Vibrio16 of them from Bandar Turkmen, 10 of Bandar

found abundantly in Caspian coastal regions.

Conclusion: This study indicated that Vibrio parahaemolyticus can be

parahaemolyticus, distribution,

Key words: Southeastern Caspian coastal regions, Vibrio
H Bazzazi, M.a. Ramezani, M Bazoori, A Mohamadi Bondarkheili, M Arabahmadi, A Ghaemi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)


Background and objectives:

most common causes of morbidity and mortality in industrial and

developing countries. Recent studies have suggested that

A coronary heart disease is one of the

Helicobacter pylori

heart disease therefore, this study was carried out in Gorgan, Iran, to

show the relationship between coronary disease and Helicobacter

pylori infection.

caused infection may be associated with chronic

Materials and Methods:

carried out on 109 patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome

and 85 healthy individuals, ELISA was used to determine Anti

Helicobacter pylori Anti bodies (IgA, IgG ).

In this cross sectional case-control study


while in control group were %32.9 and %62.4. There was significant

difference between IgA of two groups (p<0.007). Simultaneous

presence of both IgG and IgA in patients affected by Coronary disease

was meaningful (p<0.003).

IgA and IgG antibodies of case group were %51.4 and %53.2


be related to coronary disease, we suggest their investigation in

suspected individuals.

: Since Simultaneous presence of both IgG and IgA may

Key word


: Acute Coronary syndrome, Helicobacter Pylori,
R Nosoohian, M Yavari, A Ajami, M Sadegh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives :Epidemic dysentery, which can be caused by different organisms, is a major problem in developing countries. The cause variability and drug resistance make the treatment difficult. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Shigella in Isfahan reference laboratory. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study,200 stool samples referred to Isfahan Reference Laboratory were examined to detect possible microorganisms and their antibiotic sensitivity. Results:The Shigella and Salmonella infections rates were 17% and 0.5%. Shigella which is the most frequent cultured organism(97% of bacterial samples) includes: 79% Sd1, 15% Shigella Flexneri and 5% Shigella Sunnei. None of the samples was infected by Ecoli O157H7 or Entamoeba histolitica. The most effective ntibioticwas Ciprofloxacin (no resistance was seen to this antibiotic). Conclusion: The most important cause of bacterial dysentery in this study was shigellosis (sd1). Antibiotic resistance to ampicillin, Amoxiclav and Cotrimoxasole was quite high. This necessitates avoiding to empirical treatment of dysentery. Keywords: Dysentery, Antibiotic resistance, Salmonella, Shigella, Ecoli

A Moradi,, A Ahmadi, S Bakhshandeh-Nosrat, E Sanee- Moghaddam, M Saeedi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: HTLV-1 virus belongs to the retrovirus and infection with this virus mostly is seen among people having more than one time blood transfusion. Because of requiring repeated blood transfusions, thalassemic patients are considered to be high risk subjects in this regard. Thus, this study was carried out to indicate the frequency of HTLV-1 infection among the thalassemic patients. Materials and Methods: Blood samples of 181 thalassemic patients referred to Taleghani hospital during nearly two years (2004-2005) were taken. By using ELISA technique, the sera were assessed to determine HTLV antibody. The positive ones subsequently were examined by western Blot (kit, 2.4) to confirm the ELISA positive samples and also to recognize the HTLV type. Results: Of 181 thalassemic patients, 93 (51.4%) were male. The age was between one and twenty five (14.11 ± 6.5). 93.4% (169) were received packed cell only once in a month. 14.9% (27) were HTLV positive by ELISA technique, while just eight out of these 27 were considered to be true positive by Western blot and to be contaminated by type one virus. Of all subjects, 4.4% were positive HTLV1. Furthermore, the contamination with this virus is increased as the patients getting older. Conclusion: The findings indicated that among the thalassemic patients in Gorgan, there are cases with HTLV-1 whose frequency is correlated with the other part of our country. Consequently, further comprehensive studies are required to identify those infected blood donated to minimize the transmission risk of this infection in the society and in particular among the people receiving blood, such as thalassemic patients. Keywords: HTLV-1 antibody, thalassemic patients, ELISA, western Blood, Gorgan Journal

Sh Aram, A Khalilian,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Despite prenatal care, pre-eclampsia is still one of the most important causes of maternal and fetal mortality. There is no screening test for pre-eclampsia to be reliable and economical. One of the most accessible and easiest screening tests is blood uric acid measurement. The goal of this study is to assess the level of uric acid in high risk pregnant women a few weeks before emerging the manifestations of pre- eclampsia. Materials& Methods: In this study carried out in Isfahan medical centers, 124 pregnant women with gestational age of 24-28 weeks were selected by simple non-probability sampling. Then the subjects' uric acid were measured and considered high if it would be more than 4.5mg/dl. Results: of all the subjects, only 20 (16.1%) suffered from preeclampsia. 10 of 39(31.4%) who had high uric acid(more than 4.5mg/dl) showed pre-eclampsia.It is true for low uric acid women(68.6%), that is , the number of pre-eclampsia was ten. Conclusion: Relative risk of increased level of uric acid in preeclampsia at 24-28 weeks of gestational age was 2.2. Chi-square test showed that there is significant difference between the level of uric acid at 24-28 weeks of gestational age and the Incidence of preeclampsia. Keywords: pre-eclampsia, uric acid- high risk pregnancy

A Alavi, Sh Moradi, N Mirkheshti, A Ghadiri, F Hadizadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Hemin is a porphyrin compound derived from hemoglobin, the precursor of other porphyrin hemoglobin derivatives and the raw material of Hematin. Since hemin is widely used in medicine, we decided primarily to synthesize this substance in Laboratory and to determine the best way of hemin extraction from untransfused and expired blood units. Materials and Methods: In the first method, Glacial acetic acid and sodium chloride were added to citrated blood and hemin crystals were extracted by means of cooling. Finally, the obtained product, by visible spectrophotometer and Infrared Spectrophotometer, was compared to standard samples. Fur thermore, citrated blood, citrated blood hemolysed by distilled water and citrated blood washed by normal saline were used comparatively as a raw material to produce Hemin. The second method was performed by adding Strontium, acetic acid and acetone to blood samples and then after precipitating Hemin crystals they were washed and dried with acetone. Results: The presence of functional groups in Hemin samples, analyzed by infrared Spectrophotometer, indicates the production of this compound. The results of visible Spectrophotometer in comparison with control samples and the results of samples weighting demonstrates high efficiency of extraction stages and the purity of obtained compound. Conclusion: The use of intact citrated blood produces more Hemin than the other kind of Citrated blood samples. Moreover, acetic acid with citrated blood, without any processing on blood, is the best way for Hemin production. Key words: strontium, Hemin, Blood, acetic acid, extraction

A Marjani, A.r. Mansoorian, H. R. Joshaghani, K Heydari, A Sarikhani,,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background and objective: Exposure of red blood cells to oxygen radicals can induce Lipid proxidation, hemoglobin damage and hemolysis of erythrocyte .The present study was designed to determine the alteration of plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase enzyme activities in stored blood and to find out the quantitative alterations and the useful length of stored blood. Materials and Methods: First, the whole blood form 10 donors was taken. Then Red Blood Cells(RBC) were counted, the levels of Potassium(P) and lactate dehydrogenate activity(LDH) were measured to determine the amount of hemolysis, the plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase(SOD) and Glutathione Peroxidase(GPx) were studied for determination of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities at the days of 0,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31,33 and 35 of the storage. Results: upon storage time, the plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and Potassium and lactate dehydrogenate activity increased (P< 0.05) whereas erythrocyte Superoxide Dismutase and Glutathione Peroxidase enzyme activities and Red Blood Cells decreased (P< 0.05). The alterations of MDA, SOD, GPx, P, LDH and RBC in the measurement days were as follows: MDA, P and LDH significantly increased at the day of 9, 5 and 5 whereas SOD, GPx and RBC decreased at the day of 11, 7 and 29 respectively. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the increased level of MDA and decreased SOD and GPx in stored blood can cause the beginning of hemolysis of erythrocyte therefore, it is necessary to control these factors before storing the donated blood. Keywords: lipid peroxidation, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase

M Mohammadian Yajloo,, A Sahebgadam Lotfi, M Nasroallahzadeh Sabet, N Zhalehjoo, M Amirian, M Biglarzadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Abstract Background & Objective: Alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT) is the major component of the human plasma alpha-1 globulin proteins and acts as a major inhibitor of proteolytic enzymes, particularly elastase. AAT deficiency is accompanied by lung, liver and other disorders, therefore, AAT is clinically important and its precise evaluation is diagnostically critical. In present study serum AAT was evaluated by three Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis (CAE), Trypsin Inhibitory Capacity (TIC) and Single Radial Immunodiffusion (SRID) methods and results wene compared. Materials and methods: AAT evaluation was carried out, by CAE, SRID and TIC Methods, on 318 normal sera obtained from volunteer students of Tehran Universities. Results:The results indicated: 34, 84 and 112 samples by TIC, SRID and CAE methods (with reference ranges of 2.1-3.5 mol/min/ml, 126- 226 mg/dl and 2-4.5% respectively) were abnormal 201samples by CAE and TIC were normal and 29 abnomal, 83 sera were normal by TIC and abnormal by CAE five of them were abnormal by TIC and normal by CAE 227 of the samples were normal and 29 abnormal(TIC and SRID) 57 were normal by TIC and abnormal by SRID and seven samples were abnormal by TIC and normal by SRID. Conclusion: Although CAE and alpha-1 globulin band determination are routine in clinical laboratory, they are not reliable in evaluating AAT. SRID sensitivity is more Than CAE and less Than TIC therefore, TIC is recommended as a precise and reliable method for serum AAT evaluation. Key Words: Alpha-1-antitrypsin, Cellulose Acetate Electrophoresis, Single Radial Immunodiffusion, Trypsin Inhibitory Capacity

Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Hr Joshaghani, Aa Shirafcan, Aj Marjani,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)



methionine. Many reports confirm the correlation between hyper

homocysteinemia and cardiovascular disease. This study was aimed

at determining the effect of B12 and folate deficiency on the

homocysteine level after myocardial infarction.

Homocysteine is produced by demethylation of

Materials and methods:

study were patients with myocardial infarction (N = 48) and healthy

patients (N = 48) Eliza method was used to assay Homocysteine and

RIA for folic acid and vitamin B12.

The subjects of This descriptive-analytic


(30.3 ± 5.3 μm/l) and the control group (11.1 ± 3.1) is significant (p<

0.001). There is no significant difference between Serum B12 in case

(297.1 ± 208.9 pm/l) and control group (261.5 ± 205.3) and it is true

about Serum folic acid of case (3.9 ± 2.9 ng/m) and control group

(4.3 ± 3.5). The homocysteine level of all patients and four of

healthy subjects is higher than normal. The folic acid Level of 11

patients and four healthy subjects is less than normal.

the difference between the homocysteine Level of the case


of control group and this difference is not related to decrease of B12

Level, Physicians must pay attention to The other risk factors.

since the homocysteine level of patients is there times

Key words:

cobalamine, cardiovascular disease.

Folic acid, Homocysteine, Myocardial Infarction,
H Rahimzadeh, M Kargar, Y Dadban, S Birami,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and Objectives: Fluoride is one of the anions existed in water and soil. Its amount is not the same in different kind of water. Since the most of body's need to fluoride should be provided by drinking water, this study was aimed at determining the fluoride level in water supply of Gorgan rural regions. Materials and Methods: In this Cross-Sectional study, the subjects were all 67 water sources of the region. Every season, a one litter Sample was taken in a plastic Container and tested by SPADS Method. After Collecting and encoding the data, ANOVA was used to analyze. Results: The Findings shows that there are 4 springs and 63 wells which are Located in the mountainous (N=16) and flat (N= 47) regions. In every season, the average fluoride Level was lower than Standard Level (1.5 mg/L). The difference between fluoride Level of wells (0.39±0.15mg/L) and springs (0.16± 0.13mg/L) is Significant (p<0.05) the fluoride Level of mountainous wells is higher than wells located in flat regions (0.13mg/L). This deference was Significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: Based on The results revealing the fluoride Level of drinking water in Gorgan Rural region is less than international Standard, we recommend adding of Supplementary fluoride in foodstuffs of The people Living in This region. Key words: fluoride, drinking water resources, Gorgan, spring
H Taherkhani, Kh Jadidian, M Fallah, S Vaziri,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is acquired by infection with human immunodeficiency virus. (HIV).Parasite caused infection is the most common problem in AIDS Patients. Sometimes unusual and opportunistic infections such as intestinal parasitic infections may cause serious gastric intestinal (GI) disorders, which can finally lead to death. The aim of this study is to find intestinal parasites in AIDS patients referred to Disease Consultation Center of Kermanshah province. Materials and methods: In this study, the stool samples were collected from 75 AIDS patients admitted to Kermanshah consultation disease center. Then, all samples were tested by direct and formalin ether methods. Results: As shown in results , 13 patients (17.4%) are infected with Entamoeba coli, two( 2.7%) with Entamoeba histiolyticaly,one(1.4%) with Giardia lumbelia ,six (8%) with Blastocystis hominis ,two( 2.7%) with Isospora belli ,one(1.4%) with Ascaris lumbericoides ,two( 2.7%) with Endolimax nana . Conclusion: This study indicated that the frequency of pathogenic and non-pathogenic parasites was low in HIV+ patients. This may be related to anti-parasitic drugs used in all HIV+ patients admitted to Kermanshsh nsultation Disease center. Key words : Intestinal parasitic Infections, AIDS, Kermanshah consultation Disease center
A Mikaeili, M Rezaei,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Dematophytosis, which is one of the most common human infections , is a communicable disease mainly transmitted by human. Lifting and wrestling gyms and Swimming pools have high potential to transfer this infection therefore, we decided to perform this descriptive study. Materials and methods: 1030 Samples taken from different parts of lifting and wrestling gyms and swimming pools were cultured in dermatophytic medium(mycobiotic agar) incubated to a temperature of 30 degrees centigrade and with macroscopic and microscopic character dermatophytes spp were established. Results: of 300 samples taken from wrestling gyms, four Epidermophyton floocosum and of 700 Samples taken from Swimming pools four Epidermophyton floocosum and one Trichophyton Verrucosum were isolated but all Samples of weight lifting gyms were negative. Conclusion: Epidermophyton, which is the most Common Dermatophyte Isolated from sport gyms, is the main cause of skin infections There fore, by preventing infected persons from using these public places and considering the hygienic points can reduce dermatophytosis. Key word: Pool, Sport gyms, Kermanshah, Dermatophytes Journal

F Niknezhad, Mj Kabir, A Keshtkar, B Hazrati, N Kurdjazi, I Rezayyan, Ah Ankizeh,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Vibrio Cholera is one of the causative agents that can easily lead to death if the appropriate therapeutic measures are not taken in time. The purpose of this study is to identify the antibiotic sensitivity of the isolated V. choleras from the patients during the outbreak of Cholera in Golestan province, 2005. Materials and Methods: The Subjects were 97 positive cultured samples sent by different laboratories of Golestan province health centers .First, these samples were confirmed with microbiological and biochemical tests. Then, their antibiotic sensitivity was examined by Kirby –Bauer method (12 routine drugs were used).To obtain better results, the tests carried out in parallel by two expert technologists. Results: The participants, aged 29.8 +- 16 years, are male (52.6%) and female (47.1%). The highest antibiotic susceptibility pattern is related to Cephotaxime (91.6%), Ceftizoxime (87.8%), Oxcy Tetracycline (76.1%) while the most antibiotic resistance is referred to Nalidixic Acid (84.5%), Fourazolidin (50.7%) and Erythromycin (50.7%). During outbreak, Antibiotic resistance was not increased. Both technologists reports regarding Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Nalidixic Acid (kappa of 94%, 89%, 82%, p value<0.05) have the most agreement while it is not true about Erythromycin and Fourazolidin disks. (Kappa 67% and 62%, p value<0.05) Conclusion: Because of the resistance of Vibrio cholera to different antibiotic agent, it is important to determine their pattern to control and prevent the spread of drug resistance species. Key words: Vibrio cholera, Inaba, antibiotic resistance, Golestan

A Jafari Nadooshan, A Fllah Tafti, M Ghafoor Zadeh, F Mirzaii,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Poor oral hygiene in elderly people increases the colonization of opportunistic pathogens such as Candida and Staphylococci. The presence of yeasts and bacteria in the oral cavity of elderly people can be harmful and in certain conditions may cause oral and systemic infections. The general purpose of this study was to determine the oral health status, particularly the prevalence of Candida and Staphylococcus species in the oral cavity of elderly people in Yazd. Materials and methods: Oral Saliva was aseptically collected from seventytwo elderly individuals and cultured on selective fungal and bacterial media. The density of isolated microorganisms Such as Candida and Staphylococcus species was determined base on colony forming units (CFU) and identified through the biochemical and microbiological tests. Results: Fifty- eight percent of Candida species isolated from 50 (69.4%) of the subjects were Candida albicans .70.8 percentage of Staphylococcus species isolated from 65 (90.3%) of elderly are Coagulase negative. The Candida colonization in denture users is significantly higher than the elderly without denture (p= 0.001). C. albicans and the Coagulase negative staphylococcus are the most prevalent microorganisms isolated from elderly oral cavity in this study. Conclusion: The elderly have a higher risk of opportunistic bacterial and fungal infections. Their oral health care should be improved to protect them from opportunistic infections. Key words: Elderly, Candida, Staphylococcus, oral cavity, Yazd

H Hoseinzadegan, A Hassani, M Azadpoor, S Soleimannezhad, F Mohamadi,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)


Background and objectives:

(ESBL) strain is one of the emerging health related problems in the world recently.

Some of the species of the gram-negative bacilli including Klebsiella Pneumonia &

Escherichia Coli are well known ESBL producing among bacteria, and they cause

uncontrollable infections. This Cross-sectional study was designed to asses the

ESBL producing gram negative bacilli among inpatients of Shohada-ye- ashayer

hospital (Khorram Abad).

Extended Spectrum Betalactamase producing

Materials and methods:

methods. ESBL producing gram negative bacilli were screened with MacConkey

Agars containing 4 mg/liter Ceftazidime and confirmed with double disk synergy

method as recommended by national standard laboratory institute.

Samples were processed with routine laboratory


positive for ESBL.The most isolated species of ESBL are 20 Klebsiella

pneumonia(8.88%), 10 Escherchiia coli(4.44%) and 10 pseudomonas

aeruginosa(4.44%). The most ESBL producing gram-negative bacilli were Isolated

from urine samples (21 cases 39.62%).and Ten cases (18.86%) from bronchoscopy

sterile samples.

Fifty- there cases (23.55%) of 225 total isolated gram negative bacilli are


frequently isolated from Shohada-ye-Ashaier Hospital. Regarding the high

resistance of these strains against many of the antibiotics and even against

Carbapenems, health- care providers need to plan controlling policies for such


The Results indicate that ESBL producing gram-negative bacilli are

Key words:


Extended Spectrum Betalactamase.

Hospital acquired infection, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella Pneumoniae,
M Mofidi, M Saeedi, N Behnampoor,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (10-2007)

Abstract Background and objectives: Herpes simplex virus type two (HSV-2) infections are mostly considered as a sexually transmitted disease. It causes genital herpes, newborn herpes non-pyrogenic meningitis and may act as an underlying factor for HIV infection. This study was conducted to determine the sero-epidemiologic prevalence of herpes simplex virus type two in cases referred to ten clinical laboratories of Gorgan. Materials and methods: This cross- sectional study was performed on blood Samples of 406 randomly selected Clients. These samples were analyzed for Anti HSV-2 using Specific enzyme-Linked immunoassays (ELIZA) Results: Four point nine percent of all subjects have anti HSV-2. There is Significant difference between sero-positive HSV-2 and factors such as age and Marital Status (P<0.05). Conclusion: HIV is progressively increased and HSV-2 infection is one of the major risk factors for HIV therefore, decreasing the prevalence of HSV-2 infections may Leads to the reduction of HIV prevalence. Key word: HSV-2, Antibody, Gorgan, Sero-epidemiology.

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