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Showing 64 results for Ear

Khoori V (phd), Nayebpour Sm (phd), Ashrafian Y (pharm.d), Naseri M (phd),
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-1999)

The treatment of supraventricular arrhythmia include wide range of medical intervention, but ideal drug for treatment of this kind of arrhythmia is yet to be developed. Pharmacological interventions due to their adverse side effects and the possibility of proarrhythmic effects are usually ineffective in treating these conditions. Herbal remedies are suitable alternatives for synthetic drugs, due to their availability, minimal side effects and lower price. Pharmacological studies and traditional medical literature point to the cardiovascular effects of the Achillea Santolina in many instances. In present study, we used isolated heart of langandrof rats as an experimental model to determine the effect of various concentrations of the methanol extract of Achillea santolina (2×10^-7, 2×10^-9, 2×10^-10 W/V) on the electrophysiological properties of the isolated heart. Results of this study show a significant depression of WBCL, AVCT and ERP and non-significant increased in time constant of recovery (trec). It may be therefore be considered a potential role for anti-arrhythmic effect of Achillea Santolina in suppression or treating supraventricular tachyarrhythmia.
Tazikei Mh (md), Ghasemi Mm (md),
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-1999)

This study has been performed on show the incidence of sensory neural hearing loss (SNHL) in patients with chronic Otitis Media (COM) and it’s different parameters. 207 patients with persistent or previous otorrhea have been examined. 70 patients had bilateral otorrhea and 137 patients had unilateral problem so overall 277 ears are evaluated. The BC greater than 15 dB without carhartnotch was the basis for diagnosis of SNHL. 66 patients had SNHL and of them 26 cases were bilateral so total number of ears with SNHL were 92 (The incidence of SNHL was 32.2%). 3 cases were due to other causes like TB (1 case) RM fistula (1 case) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of middle ear (1 case). About 90.3% of cases had down slooping high frequency SNHL in their audiogram. In 47.6% of the ears with granulation tissue and cholesteatoma had SNHL while 28.7% of cases with chronic perforation revealed SNHL. Analysis of this study showed that there is a probability of increased SNHL during old ages the cases of prolonged and persisted otorrhea also revealed a higher incidence of SNHL. We didn’t disclose correlation between age and severity of SNHL.
Azarhoosh R (md), Golalipour Mj (phd), Behnampour N (msc), Basharkhah A (md),
Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-1999)

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. Histologic grading is one of the prognostic factors in breast cancer. The present study performed in analytic descriptive method and based on the slide review of beast biopsies received in the pathology department of 5th Azar Hospital from 1976 to 1978, and on the basis of Bloom-Richardson criteria (Mitoses, tubule formation and nuclear pleomorphism). The results are consist of: 1) Infiltrating duct carcinoma is the most common histopathologic form, and tubular carcinoma is the least common 2) The most common age is 36-45 years 3) There is meaningful relationship between mitoses and tubule formation and between pleomorphism and tubule formation. But there is no relation between nuclear pleomorphism and tubule formation in the tumor. Histologic grading of breast carcinoma should be reported by pathologist for clear determination of prognosis and also the best choice for management of the tumors.
A.abbasi (m.d), M.r.yoosefei (m.d),
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2002)

Diarrhea is one of the main reasons of mortality among children in the developed countries and half of all death is due to persisted diarrhea. This research is a cross-sectional and analytical study done on 708 children with acute diarrhea in village around Gorgan, to find out the effective factors on having persisted diarrhea in children under 5 years old. Face to face interview and determining the variable factors and examining health center records on children with acute diarrhea were the basis for filling the corresponding questionnaires. 14 days after the start of acute diarrhea, which was the second part of this research, the above questionnaires were fully completed by calling on the patient’s home. According to our investigation the risk factors related to the persisted diarrhea were as follow: Age, ethnicity, children length of breast feeding, chlorinated water, children consumed food at the time of acute diarrhea. The results from this investigation indicate that with 95% about probability 10.7%-11.3% of patients with acute diarrhea end-up with persisted diarrhea, which means diarrhea, was continued for more than 14 days. Therefore by controlling the above risk factors the mortality rate due to acute diarrhea could be reduced.
A.shirafkan (m.d), A.salehi (m.d), Mr.rabie (m.sc), M.pakdaman (m.d),
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2003)

Background and Objective: Heart failure is the end stage of cardiac disease after that myocardium has used all its reserve and compensatory mechanism. This is a descriptive survey for determine underlying and precipitating etiology of congestive heart failure among patients who admitted on CCU and cardiac department of 5th Azar Hospital of Gorgan. Materials and Methods: In this study 145 patients aged between 19-87 years have participated by data collection using questionnaire and analysis by SPSS-10. Results: The results indicated. The most common underlying causes are myocardial ischemia (57.3%) and the most common precipitating factors is inappropriate drug therapy (75.8%). Orthopnea (86.2%) and ralls (82.8%) are the most symptoms and physical exam findings. AF rhythm with 24.1% is the most common arrhythmia and cardiothoracic ratio more than 0.5 is the most abnormal finding in CXR-PA. The average ejection fraction (EF) in male patients was 32.3% and in women it was 35.7%. There was meaningful relationship between male sex and EF (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study indicated that good control of HTN and preventing of (CAD) incidence are the most important factor to avoid from CHF and appropriating drug therapy has the essential role to maintain compensated state in heart failure.
H.karimi-Moneghi (m.sc), A.drakhshan (m.d), N.valaei (m.sc), F.mortazavi (m.sc),
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2003)

Background & Objective: One of the most important principles in education is adopting a teaching method in concordance with objectives, contents and learners. Teaching and learning clinical skills is a challenging aspect of education in field of medicine and allied health profession. Some of the new researchers have shown that video-based instruction has many advantages in comparative to others. But in the domain of the psychomotor learning there is not enough evidence to show that video-based instruction is an effective teaching method. The current study has compared students learning in video-based and demonstration methods. Materials & Methods: An experimental study was conducted on 40 first year nursing and midwifery students. The students were randomly assigned to case (N=20) and control (N=20) groups based on the their course. The data were collected from a pre-test, a post-test and a questionnaire for demographic information. Pre-test was given 24 hours prior to the presentation sessions. Then each group has received one skill with video-based and another skill with demonstration. Skills included the dressing changing and surgical hand washing. After 24 hours post-test was taken with previous criteria. The differences between the pre-test and post-test scores were considered as they are at learning level. Results: The overall learning in the demonstration method was higher than the video-based method (P<0.05). However the scores of students in 2 methods was at acceptable level. The scores of students in the cognitive domain of hand washing by the demonstration were 16.20±1.5 and by the video-based method were 15.25±1. The scores of students in the psychomotor domain of hand washing by the demonstration was 16.85±1.4 and by the video-based method was 15.94±1.4 (P<0.05). The scores of students in the cognitive domain of dressing change by the demonstration was 25.60±1.8 and by the video-based method was 15.50±1. The scores of students in the psychomotor domain of dressing change by the demonstration was 16.78±1.3 and with the video-based was 16.12±1 (P<0.05). Conclusion: The results indicated that demonstration method is more effective in the students learning. However, both video-based and demonstration have led to the high level of cognitive and psychomotor learning. It could be concluded that video-based instruction can be an effective method for replacing the demonstration, especially when there is not access to demonstration, in addition according to the findings, video-based education is a effective methods for transporting knowledge, information and other topics in the cognitive domain. Therefore, considering the cost-effectiveness of video-based instruction and its ease of use, this method can facilitate education in where lack of experienced instructors and equipment is most pronounced.
Mh.taziki (m.d), Mj.golalipour (ph.d), N.behnampour (m.sc),
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2004)

Background & Objective: Major ?-Thalassemia is the most common form of anemia, which has a relatively high prevalency especially in the northern part of the country one of this disease side effect the hearing abnormality. This study has been carried out in Gorgan for the determination of the hearing level of ?-Thalassemic patients, and its relation with the level of serum Ferritin, the rate and the duration of blood transussion and dyspheral. Materials & Methods: In this study 95 patients with major ?-Thalassemia have been studied for the rate of hearing level. The variation parameter include age, gender, Ferritin level, the rate and duration of disferal consumption. Audiometry, tempanometry and physical examination carried out on all the patients. The findings from this research gathered and were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software. Results: 95 patients (190 ears) with age 3-29 year of old were gone under this study and only 72 ears had the threshold over 15 decibel, from this 43.9% were from sensorineural type of hearing. The 80% of ears’s thempograms were type A. The results from this study showed that there is a meaningful statistical correlation between the hearing loss and serum Ferritin level. The rate of dyspheral consumption, in each time and its duration (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that high serum Ferritin level and the increased length of dyspheral consumption lead to the hearing loss in major ?-Thalassemia, therefore clinical examination of hearing interrally has to be carried out.
A.makhlogh (m.d), V.mokhberei (m.d), O.sadighei,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (9-2004)

Background & Objective: Cardiovascular disease is among important factors of mortality in hemodialysis patients. There are some reports that indicate the Carnitine concentration reduction in the tissues accelerate cardiovascular abnormalities in those patients whom regularly are hemodialysed. This research has been set up to study the effect of oral Carnitine on the heart function of hemodialysis patients from Sari and Vali-Asr Hospital in Ghaem-Shahr Fatemeh Alzahra, Imam Khomeini in during 2003. Materials & Methods: In this study 20 patients with at least 3 month duration and 3 times interval hemodialysis in each month were chosen. The sample hemogenously devided in case and control group. One Carnitine tablet with 1 gr dose was given to the case group daily. The placebo was prescribed to the control group EF and LVEDD of patients were determined by echocardiography. The ratio diameter of heart to the chest was determined by chest radiography. The plasma level of hemoglobin, Cholesterol and Triglyceride were determined simultaneously. Results: There was not any meaningful recovery in EF and LVEDD and serum Lipids, between the case and control group 6 months after treatment with 1 gr/day Carnitine. There was only a meaningful difference in EF after 6 months duration of this study. In spite of this, there was a meaningful recovery with these patients anemia (P?0.05). Conclusion: Carnitine does not have a meaningful effect of heart function and serum Lipid level, but it has an efficacy on anemia recovery of such patients.
K.kazem-Nejad (md), M.ghergherechi (md),
Volume 8, Issue 1 (3-2006)

Background&Objective: The main cause of the cardiovascular disease is atherosclerosis of coronary artery. One of theraputic methods of the disease is coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). One of the main complicatons of CABG is bleeding after grafting. Different methods and proposed for preventing or reducting the bleeding. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of tranexamic acid (TA) on reduction of bleeding after grafting.

Materials&Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial. 100 patients conditated to CBG divided into 2 groups randomizely (50 for control and 50 for subject). TA was injected to subject group twice with the same dosage of 15 mg/kg: first during the operation and second after ending the cardiopulmunary pomp and neutralizing the theraputic effect of heparin by protamin. The same method was used for the control group, except normal saline was used instead of TA variations such as bleeding rate, PT, aPTT were tested after CABG. The extracted data was analysed by SPSS software.

Results: The range of ages was 28 to 75 years and the control and subject groups were distributed normally from age viewpoint. Bleeding rate after grafting in subject group was 335±45 ml and in control group was 490±81 ml. in case and control platelet count and hematocrit groups, were significant differences (P<0.05).

Conclusion: Using TA during and after CABG is suggested to control bleeding.

Abbasi A, Fayyazi S, Ahmadi F, Haghighizade Mh,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)

Background&Objective: Dyspnoea and fatigue caused considerable impairment in the functional performance and quality of life in HF patients. The purpose of this study were to determine efficacy of home walking exercise program on functional performance and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Materials&Methods: This study was qusiexperimental trial that assessed efficacy of home-based exercise program on the functional performance and quality of life in patients with HF in the Ahvaz city (2005). In this study 60 patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II and III heart failure divided two groups training (n=30) and control (n=30). Material or measurements was demographic characteristics form, Minnesota quality of life check list and timed exercise program form. Exercise training in the patients would be performed tree day per week for 8 weeks. Determination quality of life measures by Minnesota check list would be performed in both the training and control groups at entry and after 8 weeks. Also 6 minute walking tests for determination functional performance would be performed in both groups at entry and after 8 weeks. Ultimately data analysis by SPSS softward. Results: results showed that significant difference existed between mean walking distance on the 6MWT at entry and after 8 weeks in the training group (373.86 to 412.30 m, P<0.05), that no significance was seen between control group (376.79 to 377.63 m). Also significant difference exists between mean quality of life scores at entry and after 8 weeks in the training group (52.32 to 43.80), that no significance was seen between control group (52.43 to 52.50). Conclusion: This study showed that home-based exercise program affected on functional performance and quality of life in HF patients. Its accepted. Therefore exercise training can be used as a therapeutic approach in these patients, because not only promotes quality of life but also improve the functional performance.
Mehrdad N, Salsali M, Kazemnejad A,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)

Background&Objective: Research utilization provides quality and cost- effective care, optimizing patient outcomes and enhancing the credibility of nursing. Despite of increase in the amount and quality of nursing research, the conduct of research and use of its results remains poor. In Iran one of the most important barriers of research is related to research utilization. The aim of this study is to identify the barriers and facilitators of research utilization in nursing practice. Materials&Methods: The study used a descriptive- analytic design. The questionnaire was divided into two sections: The former asked for information on the academic and professional profiles of respondents, the latter was based on the BARRIERS Scale. In addition there was one open –ended question to measure the facilitators of research utilization. Content and face validity was further enhanced by submitting it to nursing researchers. Results: In factor analysis procedure four factors were extracted. The factors were labeled as: organization barriers and limitations, Quality of research, Nurses' values, awareness and skills, Communication of research. Factor loading for barrier item ''the nurse is unaware of the research'' was not included under factor headings. The top three barriers were The nurses do not have time to read research, the facilities are inadequate for implementation and the nurses do not feel they have enough authority to change patient care procedures. All the participants suggested facilitators to increase research use The most frequently mentioned facilitators were related to human resources, individual and organizational factors. Conclusion: The most dominant findings were related to organizational support. The top three barriers mentioned by the participants reflect a traditional organizational culture which hinders professional autonomy. Organizations need to ensure that facilities are provided and give the authority to the nurses to change the practice based on research.
Z Yousefi, N Sharify, S Abrahimzadeh, S Anbiaey,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (7-2007)

Background&Objective: The papanicolaou (pap) smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940. Unsatisfactory results induce anxiety in patients and doctors. Recently, a number of new technologies have been developed to improve the detection of cervical cancer. Increase the early detection of meaningful pap smear abnormalities, reduce the number of unsatisfactory smears and false negative results and provide fewer ambiguous results one of these method is the new test, include liquid-based to improve the quality and quantity of the cervical pap smear. The aim of this study is to evaluate rate of unsatisfactory smear of cervical cytology in two methods, conventional pap smear (CP) and liquid-Based (L.B).
Materials&Methods: A comparison cross – sectional study was performed from 2004-2005 on 1500 patients referred to the Ghaem hospital and private clinic. From all patients cervical cytology was taken randomly via two methods CP and L.B. Subsequently frequency unsatisfactory cervical cytology in tow methods evaluated. Statistical analysis using the SPSS soft ware was done and t-test and ?2 used for comparative evaluation.
Results: Considering the incidence of unsatisfactory cervical cytology in CP method %0.3 was and in LB method %1 was. Sensitivity of the C.P method was 68.8% and that of the L.B method was 83.1%.
Conclusion: In this study incidence unsatisfactory rate in L.B method was higher than C.P method.
Bahram Mobini, Hamid Behtash, Ebrahim Ameri, Hasan Ghandhari,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)

Background & Objective: Congenital spinal deformities usually present in infancy and make parents  worry about their child future. Because of congenital nature of these deformities, cord anomalies and other organ abnormalities must be evaluated. This study was done to determine Congenital spinal deformity and associated anomalies.


Materials & Methods: This cross sectional study was done on 97 patients who referred to Shafa hospital in Tehran- Iran with congenital back deformities from October 2005 to January 2007. All patients were assessed with physical examination, spinal radiography, MRI, urinary system sonography and echocardiography.


Results: Mean age of patients at presentation was 81 month. 81 patients had congenital scoliosis and 16 patients had congenital kyphosis. Mean cobb angle was 52 degrees for congenital scoliosis and 70 degrees for congenital kyphosis. 22 patients had neurologic or skin signs that 81% of them had cord abnormalities (p<0.05). Cord anomalies were seen in 36 scoliosis (46.5%) and 2 kyphosis (15%) (p<0.05). Most common cord anomalies were syingomyelia,diastematomyelia and tethered cord. Congenital heart anomalies was seen in 3 patients (4%) and valvular heart disease in 10 patients (13.5%) and kidney anomalies in 7 patients (12%). Only one patient with congenital heart disease and one patient with kidney anomaly had kyphosis.


Conclusion: Regarding to prevalence of congenital spinial deformity (CSD) in scoliosis and kyphosis patients, all of patients with CSD should screued for determiation of conganital anomalies by MRI, Eco cardiography and kidny sonography.

Mohammadreza Rabiee, Shayda Kazemi Malek Mahmodi, Shima Kazemi Malek Mahmodi,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2007)

Background & Objective: At least about 30 percentage of children hospitalize in hospital in their childhood. Hospitalization of children cause anxiety, due to separation from their parents ,fear of new environment, disabilities and continuation of life. This study was done to determine the effect of music on the rate of anxiety among 9-12 years old hospitalized children.


Materials & Methods: This semi experimental study was done on sixty 9-12 years old children who are confined to bed in Taleghani hospital in Gorgan north of Iran during 2002-3. 60 of children were divided to 2equal groups of intervention and control randomly. The tools of gathering data including information questionnaire, patients demographic, state – trait anxiety inventory for children Spillberger (STAIC), face anxiety children examined scale Piyeri (FACES) information was compared before and after the intervention the collect. For intervention group, 2 music therapies listening of music section, for the 2 continuous days and each section lasted for 20 minutes. The collected data before and after intervention were analyzed by using Kolmogrov-Smironov, c2, independent-sample T test, Wilcoxon signed Ranks, Bartlet and Mann Whitney test.


Results: There was not any difference between the average of state anxiety and amount of face anxiety in both group before execution of music therapy but there was a significant difference for the intervention group after the music therapy (p<0.05). Also the decrease in the rate of anxiety in intervention group can related to the executing of music therapy.


Conclusion: Music therapy reduced the rate of anxiety among the 9-12 years hospitalized children.

Mehrdad Jahanshahi, Yousef Sadeghi, Ahmad Hoseini, Naser Naghdi,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (3-2008)

Background & Objective: In addition to pyramidal neurons and interneurons, the hippocampus contains Astrocytes that play important roles in regulating ion flux currents, energy production, neurotransmitter release and memory. Learning needs some instrument for information storage and information maintenances mechanisms resemble to memory. The aim of this study was determination of spatial memory effect on the number of astrocytes in rat’s hippocampus. Materials & Methods: In this experimental study, with usage of Morris Water Maze and Reference memory technique, we used 10 male albino wistar rats. 5 rats were in control group and 5 rats in Reference memory group. After histological preparation, the slides were stained with PTAH staining for showing the Astrocytes. Results: The findings of this study showed significant difference in astrocytes number in CA1, CA2 and CA3 area of hippocampus between control and reference memory group. The mean and SD of astrocytes in CA1, CA2 and CA3 of reference memory group were 118.57±25.29, 58.91±23.59 and 116.6±31.14, that they are more than control group with 49±17.29 in CA1, 48.8±25.21 in CA2 and 41.95±11.22 in CA3. Conclusion: We concluded that the number of astrocytes increased due to spatial learning (e.g. reference memory method).
Yahya Dadjou (md), Hamid Reza Taghipour (md), Davoud Kazemi Saleh (md), Yashar Moharamzad (md), Mojtaba Hashemzadeh (md),
Volume 10, Issue 2 (6-2008)

Background & Objective: The atherosclerosis of left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery because of subtending more than 50% of left ventricular myocardial mass, has long been the focus of concern regarding appropriate treatment. This study aimed to evaluate efficacy of Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) with stenting for treatment of proximal LAD disease. Materials & Methods: In this descriptive study, 75 patients with isolated proximal LAD atherosclerotic lesion treated with PTCA and stenting were followed up for 9 months. The stenosis of all patients was documented by coronary angiography prior to enrollment. Exercise tolerance testing (ETT) by Bruce protocol was performed before angioplasty and at the end of follow up period as well. Results: There were 44 (58.7%) males, and 31 (41.3%) females. The mean age of patients was 59.4 (range, 39 to 83 yrs). Clinical outcomes of 73 (97.3%) patients were satisfactory. Only two patients developed re-stenosis during the follow up period. The first patient developed myocardial infarction at the 3rd day of her admission, and the second one had an abnormal ETT after 9 months. Percutaneous coronary revascularization with stenting was performed, and both of them were discharged without any problem. Conclusion: This study demostrated that the nine months prognosis of patients with isolated stenosis of proximal LAD coronary artery that treated by PTCA and stenting was acceptable. This treatment improves clinical status and results in lower hospital adverse event rates and in appropriate clinical outcome.
Mehrdad Jahanshahi (phd), Yousef Sadeghi (phd), Ahmad Hoseini (phd), Naser Naghdi (phd),
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2008)

Background and Objective: Dentate gyrus is a part of hippocampal formation that plays an important role in memory and learning. Astrocytes are one of the important glial cells in nervous tissue that play a more active role in neuronal activity, including regulating ion flux currents, energy production, neurotransmitter release, and synaptogenesis. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial memory effect on the number of astrocytes in Rat’s dentate gyrus. Materials and Methods: This experimental study, was done on 18 male Wistar Rats with using Morris water maze and Reference and Working memory methods. After spatial learning the Rat's brains was carried out and histological preparation was carried out, the slices were with PTAH method. The data analyzed, using T-test and One-way ANOVA. Results: The results showed significant difference in astrocytes number in dentate gyrus area between Reference memory (300.57±5.98) and control (73.73±22.61) groups (P<0.05). The difference between working memory (375.77±4.11) and control groups was significant. Comparing two groups there was a significant difference of number of astrocytes cell between the working memory and Reference memory group (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that spatial learning such as Reference memory and Working memory increase the number of astrocytes in dentate gyrus and this increase can be due to duration of learning.
Fatemeh Ghiasi (msc), Asghar Akbari (phd),
Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2008)

Background and Objective: Weight bearing position is considered as a functional condition. However, available data about it and also knee position sense is little. This study aimed to compare knee joint position sense in weight bearing and non weight bearing positions in men and women, and to determine the effect of target angle on knee joint position sense. Materials and Methods: This interventional study was performed in Zahedan University of medical sciences, Zahedan, Iran in 2006. Forty-four healthy subjects (22 women, 22 men) participated in this study through simple non-probability sampling. Subjects were asked to flex their knees in prone or in standing position, while their eyes closed. Three target angles (45, 60, 90 degrees of knee flexion) were reproduced by each subject. Angle matching errors were measured using an electrogoniometer. Outcomes were collected in form of relative, absolute and variable errors. Data were analyzed using MANOVA test. Results: There was significant difference between weight bearing and non weight bearing positions in terms of angle matching error (P<0.05), while no significant difference was seen between women and men, and also in three target positions. Conclusion: This study showed that subjects are more capable of recognition and identification of the angles during weight bearing position. A larger amount of proprioceptive afferent data may result from sources other than examined knee and lower extremity.
Masoomeh Nazifi (msc), Fatholah Fathi Azarbayjani (phd), Minoo Ilkhanipoor (phd), Farah Farokhi (phd),
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Objective: In recent years many studies have reported that aspirin could have beneficial effect on learning and memory in different diseases of central nervous system. The objective of present study was to explore the effect of aspirin on learning and memory of Rats in pentylenetetrazole kindling model. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study Rats were divided randomly into six groups (n=8). Animals in three groups received aspirin (15 and 30 mg/kg, orally) and saline, one week before and during induction of kindling, respectivley. Kindling was induced in these groups by administration of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ: 40 mg/kg, ip). Two groups of animals received only aspirin 25 and 30 mg/kg orally. Other group received only saline throughout the study and served as health control group. After induction of kindling the learning and memory of Rats was tested in shuttle box. Study was divided to three stages of adaptation, acquisition and retention test. Initial Latency (IL) time before electrical shock and Step through latency (STL) time, 20 min or 24h after acquisition was evaluated as learning and memory index. Locomotor activity was also evaluated in open filed test. Results: PTZ kindling significantly decreased Initial Latency and Step through latency time, 20 min or also 24h after acquisition, and aspirin significantly increased these times in kindled animals (p<0.05). Aspirin also had no significant effect on locomotor activity of animals. Conclusion: This study showed that the administration of aspirin to kindled Rats improved learning and memory impairments induced by pentylenetetrazole kindling.
Rasool Kavyannejad (bsc), Noshin Hadizade (md), Roghaye Mohammad Taghi (bsc), Fardin Gharibi (msc),
Volume 11, Issue 3 (10-2009)

Background and Objective: Electromagnutic field of cell Phones may affect the biological systems. This study was done to evaluate the effect of electromagnutic field of mobile phones on blood pressure, heart rate and arytmia on students of Kurdistan University of Medical Science, in West of Iran. Materials and Methods: In a randomized, double-blind clinical Trial, 56 young healthy volunteers with 20-30 years age were divided in two groups: expousure (n=27) and control (n=29). Cell phone was kept in front of the heart. Non functional cell phone was used in the control group. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and basic ECG were recorded. The Parameters were recorded in stage one (before set on cell phone), stage two (the first 5minutes), stage three (6minutes,with silent ringing), stage four (after 17min conection) and stage five (after 35 min conection). In all Stages, it was evaluated by cardiac monitoring (Lead2) for the presence of (sinus arryhthmia, sinus bradycardia, SA block, AV block, PAC and PVC). Results: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure and heart rate did not show to have any significant differences between two groups in any stages. Rate of sinus arryhthmia was higher in expousure group at stages four and five, but only in stage four, this difference was shown to be significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that, electromagnetic of cellular phone cause sinus arryhthmia after 17 minute connection, to prevent the side effect of cell phone, we suggest that, cell phone set distant away from heart and reduce the connection time.

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