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Showing 38 results for Weight
Ahmadpour M (md), Vakili Ma (msc), Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-1999)
In order to determine the relationship between breast feeding and growth pattern, the information about anthropometric measurement and feeding pattern in first 4-6 months of life and after that of 324 hospitalized children were recorded and analyzed results are as follow: 67.3% were exclusively breast-fed, 61.3% were breast-fed accompanied with non-maternal milk (Cow milk, formula, pasteurized cow milk) and 11.4% were fed with non-maternal milk only. 44.8% of the total patients had weight for the age under 5th percentile, 53.7% had height for the under 5th percentile and 26.9% had head circumference (HC) for age under 5th percentile of NCHS standard. 77.8% of infants under 6 months of age who had weight for age under 5th percentile never have been fed with breast milk. In the other hand 72.2% of patients with weight for age between 5-100th percentile fed exclusively with breast milk in first 4-6 months of life (P<0.03). 63.2% of infants aged 6-12 months with weight for age under 5th percentile have never been fed with breast milk in first 4-6 months or did not commence supplementary food on time. This study suggest that exclusively breast-feeding in first 4-6 months of life and continuation of breast milk beside supplementary food on proper time can provide better growth potential relative to other options.
Tajari Hr (md), Golalipour Mj (phd), Vakili Ma (msc), Okhovat Sh (md), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
Cryptorchidism means undersecending testes, it is one of the most disorder in boy’s urogenital system. The aim of this research is to study the cryptorchidism prevalency in newborn boys in Gorgan. This research is a descriptive and cross-sectional study and the population under examination are those newborn boys that are given birth in Dizyani Hospital during 1377. 2318 newborn boys examined by standard physical method and the relation between this disorder and the following parameters has been the main concerns of this study, these are as follow: Either bilateral or unilateral cryptorchidism, mother’s age, parity, birth weight, maturating as birth, and race. The results of this study show, that from 2318 newborn boys 89 infant (3.8%) have cryptorchidism at birth. From those latter figures 2.3% are unilateral and 1.5% are bilateral. Our result indicate that there is a significant correlation between cryptorchidism gestational age (P<0.0001) and birth weight (P<0.0001) but there is no relation between cryptorchidism with mother age and parity. The present research also indicate that cryptorchidism prevalency in under-weight newborn and premature infant is considerably increased. The conclusion of our study indicate that cryptorchidism prevalency has got no significant differences from previous investigations.
Vaghari Ghr (msc), Volume 1, Issue 2 (6-1999)
This study has been carried out on the 491 local children whom have been selected on random sampling in 20 villages around Gorgan. The size of the height and weight of NCHS standard has been used for comparison. The results of this study shows that the height and weight of all the children in any age group is below NCHS standard. It take more time to reach to acceptable height than reaching to a standard growth and weight. Children in any age experience delay in height monotonously but it has been recorded than in initial years of life, children experience shorter delay in growth and weight but by increasing the age, the delay in the former indices increased as well. In the whole, the rate of the malnutrition will be worsen after the breast feeding period is stopped.
Khoori E (msc), Vakili Ma (msc), Golalipour Mj (phd), Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-1999)
Low birth weight (LBW) is the main known determinant mortality in under 1 year old children particularly in neonates. The aim of this research is to study the rate of LBW and evaluation of some effective factors in LBW, such as: Difference races, residential conditions, maternal age, parity. This research is analytic-descriptive and cross-sectional study. The study population consists of 2183 newborns that are given birth in Dezyani Hospital during 1996. These samples were chosen by systemic randomized technic (3:1). Information was gathered by a questionnaire. The findings show that LBW rate was 6.3% in population under study, which in male and female newborns were 5.7% and 6.9% respectively. The LBW rates in newborns with mothers age?18 years old and those with ?35 years were 1.8% and 1.4% folds higher than LBW rates for newborns with mothers age 19-35 years. The LBW percentage for primiparous women were 1.9 folds to multiparous who had 2-4 deliveries. LBW rates for newborns with Systanie race were approximately 1.8 folds higher than newborns with Torkman ethnic. The results of this study indicate factors such as: Maternal age, race, parity, affect on LBW rates.
E.mobashery (m.d), Mj.golalipour (ph.d), Ma.vakili (m.sc), Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2003)
Background and Objective: The association between discordant growth and the complication of twin pregnancy has been recognized for more than 30 years. Recent publications have presented evidence that 30% or even 40% discordance presents the threshold for significant. Our purpose was to define twin growth discordance on the basis of perinatal outcome and other factors like maternal age pariety and systemic disease. Materials and Methods: Twins delivered at age more than 32 week’s gestation between 1998-2000 at Deziani Hospital Gorgan was identified. Birth weight, pre-term birth, maternal age pariety and systemic disease and sex of Twins recorded. Discordance was calculated as: 100×larger BW-smaller BW/larger BW. Results: The mean discordance for 435 twins was 8.18±6.79, 96.4% of pre-term birth associated with discordance?20%. 10.6% of mothers had a systemic disease and mean discordance in twins term and pre-term of normal mothers was 5.8±4.5, 7.9±6.3 and in systemic disease was 9±9.2, 11.1±8.8 (P?0.008). There were no differences in pariety age and sex. Conclusion: Twin birth weight discordance had now clearly been demonstrated to be a risk factor for pre-term birth. The effect was found particularly with discordances?20% after 32 week’s gestation.
As.baniaghil (m.sc), Fs. Baniaghil (m.d), Ma.vakili (m.sc), Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2003)
Background & Objective: Fetal weight and gestational age are important factors in evaluation of neonatal safety and basic prediction factors in outcome of pregnancy and satisfactory criterion in decision of management in obstetrice and neonatalogy. Therefore finding a method for pridiction of fetal weight is critical. The present study employs, detect on value of Janson's formula in prediction of fetal weight. Materials & Methods: In this analytic study, 223 pregnant women who had a safe, live, singleton fetus, with cephalic presentation were admitted to labor ward at Dezyani hospital. Medical or obstetrical complication was excluded. Subjects selected by purposive sampling. For collecting data: First, using the same flexible tap measure calibrated in centimeters by using this tap, the fundul height was measured. The fundual height was also taken in Janson's formula and estimated weight was also calculated each cases. The actual weight of post delivery was measured immediately. Data analysis was done by correlation test paired T-test. Results: This study shows mean estimated fetal weight (3730±546) were higher than the actual birth weight (3270±429). Conclusion: This study indicates that Janson's formula is not a good way to estimate fetal weight.
M.afshar (m.d), N.delavar.davin (m.d), S.kianfar (m.sc), Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2004)
Background & Objective: Neonatal growth indices can be influenced by either wanted, or unwanted pregnancy. This research was done to compare neonatal growth indices (Height, weight, head circumflex) to in such pregnancies in Birjand (South-east of Iran). Materials & Methods: This study case-control study was done on a total of 400 women and their neonates in the Imam Reza and Mehr maternity hospital in Birjand between 2000 to 2002. The number of case (UWP) and control (WP) were 150 and 250 respectively. Data were collected through a valid and reliable questionnaire by face to face interviewing with mothers and the determination of growth indexes of the neonates. The results were analyzed employing X² and student T-test by means of SPSS software. Results: The results revealed that the mean weight of the neonates in the case group (3151±410.4 grams) was meaningfully (P?0.05) less than the mean weight (3243±484 grams) of the neonates in the control group (WP). Besides, the mean weight gaining of mothers during their pregnancy in the cases (9±3.2 kg) was meaningfully (P<0.05) less than control group (9.7±3.4 kg). Conclusion: The results of this study, shows the impact of wanted pregnancy on weight gain and health improvement of mothers and their infants. It is therefore recommend that the health centers, mass and even high schools officials provide enough training to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Mj.kabir (msc), Aa.keshtkar (md), F.lashkar-Blueki (bsc), Volume 8, Issue 2 (7-2006)
Background & Objective: WHO estimated almost 27% of under 5 years children suffered from under-weight. This study aimed are assessing anthropometric indicators (underweight, wasting and stunting) in 0-24 months children at Golestan province and the relationship with the background variables of households. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 1473 children (under 2 years old) whom resided in urban and rural area. Samplimg method was single stage cluster sampling. Constitutional variables in child’s mothers, age, educational level, job and child’s weight and height are measured by structured questionnair. The data were analysed with chi square, chi square for trend and logistic regression. Results: The under-weight, wasting and stunting (mild to severe) prevalence were 21.4% (CI 95%: 19.3-23.6), 16.5% (CI 95%: 14.7-18.5) and 31.4% (CI 95%: 29.1-33.8) respectively. Maximum sex difference in the malnutrition indicators were seen stunting (boys 14.3%, girls 7.2%) (p<0.05). The prevalence of under-weight, wasting and stunting are positively correlated with increasing the children’s age. The under-weight and stunting linear trend was significant (p<0.05). The risk of under-weight children were 2.8 fold in illitraced mothers relative to mothers with high school diploma (CI 95% for adjusted odds ratio: 1.1-7). The risk was 1.5 fold in stunting (CI 95% for adjusted odds ratio: 0.5-4.3). Conclusion: The under-weight and wasting (moderate to severe) prevalence are increased relatively ANIS study (1998), but stunting prevalence are not increased. The mothers’ illitracy and very low educational level can be suspected risk factors for under-weight and stunting.
Tabandeh A, Kashani E, Volume 9, Issue 1 (3-2007)
Background&Objective: Abnormal BMI of mother and weight gain play very important role in the outcome of pregnancy. Several researches were done on the correlation between body mass index (BMI) and mother weight gain in pregnancy, and the complications in neonates, like low birth weight and prematurity and mother complications like preeclampsia. This study was performed in order to determine the correlation between body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy, maternal and fetal complications in patient admitted to Deziani hospital in Gorgan, Iran. Materials&Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 350 pregnant women in Deziani hospital during a year (2002-03). Patients' information's like mother age, pre-pregnancy weight, weight gain during pregnancy and maternal-fetal complications (preeclampsia, PROM, preterm labor and macrosomia) were recorded. After coding, data were analyzed by SPSS and Chi-Square test was used for description. Results: In high BMI women, higher weight gain was seen than normal BMI women. Preterm labor was significantly related with pre-pregnancy BMI (P<0.05) but no relationship was seen between weight gain and preterm labor. PROM and birth weight were significantly related to pre-pregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy (P<0.05). Preeclampsia has significant relationship with weight gain (P<0.05) but not with pre-pregnancy BMI. Conclusion: Abnormal maternal pre-pregnancy BMI and weight gain during pregnancy can complicate the delivery. Low and high BMI and weight gain during pregnancy can contribute with the complications in mothers and neonates.
Fatemeh Ghiasi (msc), Asghar Akbari (phd), Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2008)
Background and Objective: Weight bearing position is considered as a functional condition. However, available data about it and also knee position sense is little. This study aimed to compare knee joint position sense in weight bearing and non weight bearing positions in men and women, and to determine the effect of target angle on knee joint position sense. Materials and Methods: This interventional study was performed in Zahedan University of medical sciences, Zahedan, Iran in 2006. Forty-four healthy subjects (22 women, 22 men) participated in this study through simple non-probability sampling. Subjects were asked to flex their knees in prone or in standing position, while their eyes closed. Three target angles (45, 60, 90 degrees of knee flexion) were reproduced by each subject. Angle matching errors were measured using an electrogoniometer. Outcomes were collected in form of relative, absolute and variable errors. Data were analyzed using MANOVA test. Results: There was significant difference between weight bearing and non weight bearing positions in terms of angle matching error (P<0.05), while no significant difference was seen between women and men, and also in three target positions. Conclusion: This study showed that subjects are more capable of recognition and identification of the angles during weight bearing position. A larger amount of proprioceptive afferent data may result from sources other than examined knee and lower extremity.
Mahnaz Fouladinejad (md), Naser Behnampour (msc), Ali Pashaei Zanjani (student), Mohammad Hadi Gharib (student), Marjan Akbari Kamrani (student), Volume 10, Issue 4 (12-2008)
Background and Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Neonatal Intensive Cares Many different data banks have been developed. Furthermore, various scoring systems such as SNAP and CRIB have been validated to designate and compared differences among hospitalized patients in NICU. This study was done to determine mortality rate and prevalence of complications in neonates admitted to Taleghani and Dezyani NICU centers in Gorgan - Iran. Materials and Methods: In this discriptive study a questioniare including sex, birthweight, gestational age, duration of hospitalization, age at the time of discharge or death, complications and other information needed for CRIB scoring system, was completed for 46 neonates with gestational age of less than 37-week old and birth weight of less than 1500 grams. Results: Mortality rate was 37% (17 neonates) with the most common cause being respiratory failure. RDS was associated with a 101-fold increase for the chance of death (OR=1.1, CI=12.9-793.6). This probability was 4.7 fold for delivery-time asphyxia. The mean of birthweight, gestational age and CRIB in living and dead infants were 1201 and 934 grams, 30 and 28 weeks and 3.76 and 11.7, respectivly. Using a ROC curve, a cut off point of 7 was reached to predict neonatal outcome for CRIB scoring. Conclusion: This study showed that the mortality rate was higher than the rate in most centers of the world. The mortality rate was directly related with the increase of CRIB score,especially for scores more than 11.
Mehdi Mehdizade (phd), Seyyed Ali Hosseini (phd), Feyzollah Ebrahiminia, Anahita Elahi, Hasan Fallah Hosseini (phd), Monire Azizi (msc), Mehdi Sadeghzade, Shervin Fatehi Ghahfarrokhi, Hamed Masoudi, Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2009)
Background and Objective: Nowaday many diabetic patients interested in using medicinal herbs to relieve the symptoms of their disease in spite of the availability of synthetic drugs, one of such herbal medicine is green tea, studies about effects of this plant on blood glucose, weight of diabetes is contradict and suitable dosage is not mentioned, thus this study was done to determine the effect of green tea extract on blood glucose and body weight in male induced diabetic Rats. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study 40 wistar male Rats with body weight of 230±20 purchased and kept standard situation subsequently 8 of them considered as normal group and the reminder became diabetic by 50mg/kg IP by streptozotosin. After 2 weeks animals with blood glucose of 200-500 mg/dl were considered as diabetic and divided in 4 groups with 8 animals in each. Then 3 groups of them daily was feed with 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg of extract by feeding tube for 6 weeks, diabetic control group and non-diabetic group also was feed with DMSO10% as well. BS and body weight were assessed at 2nd, 4th, 6th week after daily feeding by different doses of green tea extract, and at last results were analyzed by using student t-test and one way ANOVA. Results: The mean of blood glucose of diabetic control group were significantly higher than non-diabetic group and blood glucose of diabetic groups that was feed with 50, 100 and 200mg/kg of extract was significantly lower than diabetic control group. Body weight of 3 treatment groups were not significantly reduced. Conclusion: This study showed that green tea extract has an antidiabetic effect and suitable dosage of this extract was 100mg/kg.
Bayaneh Seidamini (msc), Azar Moradi (msc), Ayyoub Malek (md), Mehrangiz Ebrahimi Mamaghani (phd), Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2009)
Background and Objective: The obesity and overweight in the children of many developing countries have dramatically increased. Obesity is associated with numerous health problems. While children spend a significant amount of their time in school daily, the various aspects of children school-life such as academic achievement, social skills and attendance, can be affected by obesity and overweight. This study was done to determine the correlation between obesity and overweight with attention dificit in elementary school girls. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-cross sectional study was carried out on 300 girls student of 7-11 years old, in elementary schools in capital city of east Azarbijan cocated North-West of Iran in 2007. The samples selected based on body mass index and were classified by random sampling in three groups including, normal group, overweight group and obese group. The data, collected by child behavior check list (CBCL). The CBCL have 113 iteams, 9 iteams of them were designed for determination of attention dificit in children. The behaviors were scored on a 3-point ranging scale. SPSS-11.5 software and ANOVA statistical test were used to analyse the data. Results: The results showed that overweight group had greater scores in attention dificit scale than other groups and revealed a significant correlation between obesity-over weight and attention dificit (r=0.177, P<0.05). Conclusion: This study indicated a significant correlation between obesity and attention dificit. Prevention of obesity as a first step for prevention of behavioral problems, seems to be essentieal. The treatment of obesity may be a matter of dealing with behavioral problems in children.
Mahnaz Fouladinejad (md), Mohammd Mahdy Motahari(md), Mohammad Hadi Gharib, Fatemeh Sheishari, Mohammad Soltani, Volume 11, Issue 2 (7-2009)
Background and Objective: Retinopathy of permaturity (ROP), a lesion in the retina of premature infants with low birth weights, can result in blindness and it is a major cause of blindness in children of developing countries. We were ought to determine prevalence and intensity of retinopathy of permaturity and investigate some related risk factors in NICU of Taleghani hospital.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, from march 2004 to December 2005, the result of clinical examinations and laboratory of 89 premature infants with gestational ages of less than 34week old were recorded in a questionair form. These infants, were examined by a retinologist, at the time of discharge and if necessary every 4 weeks, until retinal vascularization completed. The results of examination were recorded.
Results: Retinopathy of permaturity was detected in 5 neonates all of them in stage 1 and the most percent of prevalence in neonates with birthweights between 1001 to 1250 grams and gestational ages less than 29-week old. All cases were oxygenated and prevalence was more in the group who got oxygen via CPAP.
Conclusion: Based upon this study, the most important risk factors for retinopathy of permaturity were lower birthweight and less gestational age. Moreover, it was one more time emphasized on the effect of oxygenation in developing retinopathy of permaturity.
Mohammadpoorasl A (msc), Sahebihag Mh (msc), Rostami F (msc), Seyyedrasoli A (msc), Akbari H (msc), Jabraili M (msc), Moosavi M (bsc), Imanpour S (bsc), Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)
Background and Objective: There are some factors including socio-demographic, maternal and nutritional variables reported to influence the growth of children in the first two years of life. The aim of this study was to determine some factors related to undesirable growth of 6 months–2years old children in Tabriz-Iran. Materials and Methods: In this case - control study 233 children with undesirable growth as cases, and 412 children with desirable growth as controls selected in five primary health care centers in Tabriz city in North-West of Iran during 2007. A questionnaire which included some questions regarding demographic characteristics, fertility history, and nutritional status was filled by using face -to - face interview with selected children’s mother. The influence of different factors on undesirable growth was evaluated with a logistic regression model by using SPSS-14 and EPI-2000 software. Results: Having any disease during two monitoring (OR=4.23, 95% CI: 2.95-6.07, P<0.001), type of pregnancy (unwanted) (OR=1.87, 95% CI: 1.20-2.93, P<0.006), gender (girl) (OR=1.51, 95%CI: 1.05-2.17, P<0.025), low birth weight (OR=1.0, 95% CI: 0.99-1.01, P<0.097) and having conflict in the family (OR=1.22, 95% CI: 1.01-1.47, P<0.045) associated with undesirable growth. Conclusion: This study determined having any disease, type of pregnancy, sex of child and low birth weight related with undesirable growth of 6 months –2years old children. Using safe family planning methods and help to reduce unwanted pregnancy, parental training about the nutritional requirements of children particularly during period of disease, is recommended in order to enhance the health of children.
Mohammadian S (phd), Khoddam H (msc), Kaveh M (md), Volume 12, Issue 3 (10-2010)
Background and Objective: Childhood obesity is a significant public health concern due to its impacts on childhood physical and psychological health with subsequent adulthood complication. The aim of this study was to determine some related factors of obesity and overweight in girls' secondary school. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in Gorgan Northern Iran, during 2005-06. The subjects selected by stratified random sampling. Age, height, weight, BMI, daily time of television watching, frequency of physical activity and snack consumption was recorded by parents in a questionnaire sheet during a week. Data were analyzed by using SPSS-11.5 software, chi-square and ANOVA tests. Results: In this study, 6.3% and 41.7% of subjects were obese and overweight, respectively. The mean of BMI of girls was 19.69±4.6 kg/m2. The prevalence of obesity and overweight in Fars ethnic group was more than others (P<0.05). Average spending time for television watching was 2.35±0.98 hours and the same index was higher among the obese and overweight girls but, this difference was not significant. Food consumption during watching television, frequency and duration of physical activity were significantly related with obesity and overweight (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that low physical activity and imbalanced nutritional behavior are related to obesity and overweight among secondary school girls in Gorgan-Northern Iran.
Hajian K (phd), Khirkhah F (md), Habibi M (md), Volume 13, Issue 2 (7-2011)
Background and Objective: The safety of teenagers and young are the major factor in developing a community and they are also the major group at risk of behavioural problems. So, this study was performed to evaluate the prevalence of risky behaviours among different university students in Babol, located in Norther of Iran.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was carried out in a random sample of Babol university students including medical university, university of engineering and Azad University with roughly equal sampling ratio with respect to university and gender. The data was gathered by a designed questionnaire including demographic characteristics, physical involvement with others (violence), cigarette smoking, drug abuse, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity. In statistical analysis the Chi square test was used to determine the association of risky behaviours with demographic characteristics.
Results: The results revealed that in general the prevalence of physical involvement with others (violence) during a recent year was 33.3% current cigarette smoking 13.7%, overweight and obesity 25.6%, physical inactivity 15.3% and drug user during recent year 0.3%. In general, the prevalence of some risky behaviour was more in boys than girls (P<0.001), and it was more in single than married (P<0.001) and in residence of dormitory and rented houses than personal houses (P<0.001) and also in engineering and Azad university in contrast to medical university (P<0.001). For example, the prevalence of cigarette smoking was 25.7% in boys and 3.6% in girls (P<0.001).
Conclusion: This study showed a rather high frequency of risky behaviours among students in Babol city in North of Iran.
Adineh Ha, Motametdi B, Veisi M, Bagheri S, Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Background and Objective: Failure of tuberculosis (TB) treatment is a major problem of health systems in developing countries. This study was done to identify the Risk factors of tuberculosis treatment failure in the Sistan and Bulochestan province, the high risk region in South-East of Iran. Methods: This case – control study was carried out on 52 tuberculosis patients (smear -positive and category- I therapy) treated during six months period. Patients with treatment failure were considered as cases and patients with negative smear after 6 months of treatment with anti-tuberculosis (TB) medicines were considered as control group. Demographic, clinical and treatment outcomes were recorded for each patient. The multivariate logistic regression was performed to determine the predictors of treatment failure. Results: Family history of tuberculosis (95% CI: 1-12.56, OR=3.55, P=0.04,), smoking (95% CI:1.58-51.21, OR=9, P=0.01), drug addiction before or during the treatment period (95% CI: 5.28-123.91, OR=25.6, P=0.0001) and low body weight (95% CI:1.05-12.6, OR=3.65, P=0.04) were risk factors for treatment failure. Conclusion: Family history of tuberculosis, weight loss during treatment, smoking and drug addiction, were considered as risk factors for treatment failure in National Tuberculosis Control Programme (NTCP) in south-east of Iran.
Mirfazeli A, Kavianyn N, Vakili Ma, Tajari Ha, Golalipour Mj, Volume 16, Issue 2 (7-2014)
Background and Objective: Cryptorchidism or undescending testis is a developmental defect and occurred in 2-4% of male newborns. This study was done to determine the pattern and risk factors of cryptorchidism in Gorgan, northern Iran. Methods: In this cohort study, 2851 male newborns were examined for cryptorchidism at the birth and follow up for one year after birth in Dezyani referral teaching hospital in Gorgan, northern Iran during April 2010 - December 2011. Mother ethnicity, working in farmland, addiction, consanguinity, age, infant maturity and birth weight were recorded for each subject. Results: The rate of cryptorchidism was 18.9 per 1000 live birth. Bilateral and unilateral cryptorchidism was 11.7 and 7.1 per 1000, respectively. The rate of cryptorchidism in preterm newborns (30 per 1000) was significantly higher than the term (20 per 1000) and post term (11.4 per 1000) newborns (P<0.05). The Mean±SD of newborns weight with unilateral cryptorchidism (3024±537grams) was significantly lower than the healthy newborns (3253±489 grams) (P<0.05). The rate of cryptorchidism in Turkmens (10 per 1000 births) was significantly lower than Fars (21 per 1000 births) and Sistani (23 per 1000 births) newborns (P<0.05). One year Follow up of newborns showed that 41 (77.3%) testes were descent to scrotum. Conclusion: Low births weight, prematurity and ethnicity are the main risk factors of cryptorchidism in northern Iran.
Bayat P, Khosrobeigi A, Volume 17, Issue 1 (3-2015)
Background and Objective: The size of the human body is studied in anthropometry. In the one field of anthropometry, the relation of skull and brain size with body weight and height in human are studied. This study was done to determine the relation between cranial capacity and brain weight with body weight and height in 18-26 years old Iranian students. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 286 students (150 females and 136 males) in Arak, Iran. Cranial capacity, brain weight, body weight and height, cerebral index and the ratio of brain to body (cerebral quotient) in 18-26 years old students were measeared. Results: The mean of cranial capacity in males and females were 1393.71 and 1168.71 mm3, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of brain weight in males and females were 1445.19 and 1209.61 gram, respectively (P<0.05). The mean of cerebral index in males and females were 1.99 and 2.2, respectively (P<0.05). Positive statistical correlation was seen between cranial capacity with body weight, height and BMI in both gender. Conclusion: Cranianl capacity and brain weight in males was more than females while cerebral index was more in females.