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Showing 2 results for Physical Performance
Raheleh Kermanizadeh , Amirhossein Haghighi , Roya Askari , Volume 20, Issue 2 (7-2018)
Background and Objective: Obesity and overwight affects on respiratory phyological indeces including pulmonary voulume, spirometery function, mechanical function of air ways neuro-muscular functions and capacity of exchange of gases. The obese and overwight subjects have high risk in reduction respiratory valume syndrome. This study was done to compare the effects of three resistance training programs with different intensities on pulmonary function, physical function and body composition in overweight girls.
Methods: In this quasi - experimental study, thirty overweight inactive girls were non-randomly divided into 3 equal groups (n=10) of resistance training with different intensity based on their 1 RM (light, 55-65%, moderate, 65-75%, and heavy, 75-85%, repsctively). The training progams were done for 9 weeks (3 sessions per week). Each session consists of 5 stations with 3 sets while rest intervals between the repetiotions and stations were 60-90 seconds and 90-120 seconds, respectively. Before and after the end of the training programs, spirometry, body composition, muscular strength and endurance of the upper body and VO2max were measured.
Results: 9 weeks resistance training program with 55-65%, 65-75%, and 75-85% 1RM intensities had no significant effect in the spirometry parameters, body weight, body mass index, upper body muscular endurance and VO2max. Fat percentage in 55-65% group significantly reduced in compared to those of 65-75%, and 75-85% 1RM groups (P<0.05). The upper body muscular strength in group with 75-85% 1RM significantly increased in compared to groups with 55-65% and 65-75% 1RM (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Overweight girls can apply resistance training with 55-65% 1RM to reduce the percent of body fat, and enhance the upper body strength through trainings with 75-85% 1RM. In relation to pulmonary function indices and indices of physical function and body composition, there was no dference between three training programs.
Yosef Ali Hajipour , Masoumeh Habibian , Volume 23, Issue 3 (10-2021)
Background and Objective: Vitamin D increases muscle strength through protein synthesis and myogenesis and may play an important role in anaerobic and aerobic activities. This study was done to determine the vitamin D status and its relationship with physical function indexes in young Taekwondo athletes.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on 75 young male Taekwondo athletes, aged 18-23 years that were selected using randomized sampling method. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was measured by ELISA method. The 20-meter shuttle run, running based anaerobic sprint (RAST), vertical jump, 36-meter sprint and Illinois agility tests were used to determine aerobic and anaerobic capacities, explosive anaerobic power of the lower limbs, speed and agility, respectively. Body mass index and percent body fat was measured for each subject. Level below 20, 20-30 and more than 30 ng/ml of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D were considered as vitamin D deficiency, insufficiency and normal status, respectively.
Results: The results showed that 48% (36 athletes) and 42.66% (32 athletes) of taekwondo athletes had deficient and insufficiency levels of vitamin D, respectively. Also, a significant correlation was detected between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration and aerobic power (r=0.897), anaerobic power (r=0.901), vertical jump performance (r=0.855), fatigue index (r=-0.838), agility (r=-0.634) and 36 meters sprint (r=-0.793) times (P<0.05). However, this association was significant in athletes with lower than normal levels of vitamin D (P<0.05), no association was found in subjects with normal vitamin D levels.
Conclusion: Vitamin D of 90.66% of young taekwondo practitioners was lower than normal level. Increasing in vitamin D level can improve the physical performance of young athletes with vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency status.