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Showing 4 results for MJ.Golalipour (Ph.D)
Mj.golalipour (ph.d), M.ahamadpour (m.d), M.a.vakili (m.sc), Volume 4, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2002)
It is reported that the rate of congenital malformations is about 2-3% at birth. They are one of the major causes of morbidity, mortality and disability in childhood are later in adulthood. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of gross congenital malformations that were preset at birth. The other factors studied were anatomic locations of anomalies, neonatal sex, race, maternal age and race. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study, and the sample population was 10000 births. The rate of congenital malformations was 10.1/1000 in our sample 11.8/1000 in male and 7.5/1000 in female neonates. The rate of malformations in musculoskeletal system were 3.8 In CNS 2.8 and in urogenital system 2.5 per 1000 births. It was concluded that the most frequent malformations in CNS, musculoskeletal and urogenital system were cystic spina bifida, clubfoot and hypospadias respectively. The rate of malformations newborns were 14.5 per 1000, 8.5 per 1000 and 17 per 1000 birth in Turkman, native Fars and Sistan racial groups respectively. The results from this investigation showed that there were relations between rate of over malformations, races and sexes of individuals.
E.mobashery (m.d), Mj.golalipour (ph.d), Ma.vakili (m.sc), Volume 5, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2003)
Background and Objective: The association between discordant growth and the complication of twin pregnancy has been recognized for more than 30 years. Recent publications have presented evidence that 30% or even 40% discordance presents the threshold for significant. Our purpose was to define twin growth discordance on the basis of perinatal outcome and other factors like maternal age pariety and systemic disease. Materials and Methods: Twins delivered at age more than 32 week’s gestation between 1998-2000 at Deziani Hospital Gorgan was identified. Birth weight, pre-term birth, maternal age pariety and systemic disease and sex of Twins recorded. Discordance was calculated as: 100×larger BW-smaller BW/larger BW. Results: The mean discordance for 435 twins was 8.18±6.79, 96.4% of pre-term birth associated with discordance?20%. 10.6% of mothers had a systemic disease and mean discordance in twins term and pre-term of normal mothers was 5.8±4.5, 7.9±6.3 and in systemic disease was 9±9.2, 11.1±8.8 (P?0.008). There were no differences in pariety age and sex. Conclusion: Twin birth weight discordance had now clearly been demonstrated to be a risk factor for pre-term birth. The effect was found particularly with discordances?20% after 32 week’s gestation.
Mj.golalipour (ph.d), E.mobasheri (m.d), A.mirfazelei (m.d), Ma.vakili (m.sc), F.kolangei (m.d), Volume 5, Issue 2 (Autumn & Winter 2003)
Background & Objective: Neural tube defect is one of the most important malformations of the newborns. The aim of this study was to investigate the rates of NTD, anencephaly, spina-bifida cystica, encephalocele and the relation of these abnormalities with sex, ethnicity, mother’s age and consanguineous marriage in north of Iran (Gorgan). Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on 26280 birth in Dezyani Hospital in Gorgan during 1998-2001. Results: This study has showed that, the NTD rate was 3.08, 2.78 and 3.38 per 1000 in total, males and females, respectively, female to male ratio was 1.31. The rate of spina-bifida, anecephaly and encephalocele were 1.48, 1.48, 0.11 per 1000, respectively. In regard to different races, the rate was 6.78/1000, 4.76/1000 and 2.41/1000 among Turkmans, Systani and native Fars, respectively (P<0.05). The rate of NTD in the mothers under 20 years was 2.29/1000, in 20-34 years was 3.37/1000 and over 35 years was 2.54/1000. Interstingly, 29.6% of parents with affected newborns had consanguineous marriage. Conclusion: We concluded that there is a higher rate of NTD in this, area, that it might be due to race-ethnicity variations.
Mh.taziki (m.d), Mj.golalipour (ph.d), N.behnampour (m.sc), Volume 6, Issue 1 (Spring & Summer 2004)
Background & Objective: Major ?-Thalassemia is the most common form of anemia, which has a relatively high prevalency especially in the northern part of the country one of this disease side effect the hearing abnormality. This study has been carried out in Gorgan for the determination of the hearing level of ?-Thalassemic patients, and its relation with the level of serum Ferritin, the rate and the duration of blood transussion and dyspheral. Materials & Methods: In this study 95 patients with major ?-Thalassemia have been studied for the rate of hearing level. The variation parameter include age, gender, Ferritin level, the rate and duration of disferal consumption. Audiometry, tempanometry and physical examination carried out on all the patients. The findings from this research gathered and were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software. Results: 95 patients (190 ears) with age 3-29 year of old were gone under this study and only 72 ears had the threshold over 15 decibel, from this 43.9% were from sensorineural type of hearing. The 80% of ears’s thempograms were type A. The results from this study showed that there is a meaningful statistical correlation between the hearing loss and serum Ferritin level. The rate of dyspheral consumption, in each time and its duration (P<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that high serum Ferritin level and the increased length of dyspheral consumption lead to the hearing loss in major ?-Thalassemia, therefore clinical examination of hearing interrally has to be carried out.