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:: Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016) ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2016, 18(1): 128-132 Back to browse issues page
Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in nurses and its relationship with the knowledge of ergonomic and environmental factors
Rokni M * 1, Abadi MH1 , Saremi M2 , Mir Mohammadi MT3
1- M.Sc in Professional Health, Department of Environmental and Professional Health, Health vice Presidency of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Health, Security and Environment, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of Health Care, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (14368 Views)

Background and Objective: Musculoskeletal disorder is a professional disease which is due to undesirable work condition and is a disturbing factor of health and welfare in societies. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in nurses and its relationship with the knowledge of ergonomic and environmental factors in north of Iran. Methods: This descriptive-analytic study was carried out on 110 nursing staff in Razi and Imam Khomeini hospitals in north of Iran. Questionnaire of the rate of awareness measurement, general questionnaire of musculoskeletal diseases (Nordik), the questionnaires of the health status and the study relationships between some factors in work place were filled out for each nurse. Results: Prevalence of the pain in neck, back, low back, shoulder, knee, thing pain, arm, leg among nurses was 50%, 49%, 58%, 44.9%, 47.3%, 32.7%, 36.4% and 56.4%, respectively. The condition of work place including air filtration (23.6%), light (22.7%) and air condition (4.5%) was not well. Chair (31%) and work table (34%) for work condition and body position of nurses was unsuitable. There was a significant relationship between low back pain and age and time of working per week of nurses (P<0.05). Nurses knowledge in the filed ergonomy was 77% and 22.2% of nurses trained in body condition during work. 60% of nurses were not trained for correct patient transportation and relocation. Conclusion: Nurses suffered more from pain in low back, knee, neck and legs. Training of nurses for patient transportation and body position during working in hospital is essential.

Keywords: Musculoskeletal disorder, Nursing staff, Ergonomy
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Type of Study: Short Communication | Subject: Health System
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Rokni M, Abadi MH, Saremi M, Mir Mohammadi MT. Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in nurses and its relationship with the knowledge of ergonomic and environmental factors. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2016; 18 (1) :128-132
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-2665-en.html

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