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:: Volume 1, Issue 3 And 3-4 (Autumn & Winter 1999) ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 1999, 1(3 And 3-4): 16-24 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of changes in blood Glucose level in intravenous anesthesia with Propofol infusion and anesthesia with Sodium Thiopental and Halothane
Hassani V (MD) * 1, Pooreslami M (MD) , Niakan M (MD) , Sehat S (MD)
Abstract:   (21848 Views)
Stress responses have been excited by the painful stimuli, after induction of anesthesia and during the operation. In order to reduce these responses, it will be useful to select the type of anesthesia. Based on this fact, two groups of patients (Every group had 50 patients) were selected randomly. All patients are older than 18 years old and were chosen according to America Society of Anesthesiologist, class I, II, and were candidated for cataract surgery. Propofol were used for induction and maintenance of anesthesia In group 1 (TIVA group). In group 2 (Balance anesthesia), Sodium Thiopental induced anesthesia and the combination of N2O and Halothane were used for maintenance of anesthesia, respectively. Blood Glucose in two groups was measured before induction of anesthesia that all were in normal range (80-120 mg/d). Then after induction, incision and 30 minutes after start of surgery, blood Glucose was measured again and deviation from basal level were classified in three categories as: <10%, 10-20%, >20%. The results demonstrated meaningful difference between two groups, statistically (Chi-square, P<0.001). Increasing the blood Glucose in group 2, in three stages, was more than group 1. Blood Glucose level was increased about 20% from its basal level, in the majority of group 2 (32% after induction, 64% after incision, 62% 30 minutes after start of surgery). But, this amount of increasing in group 1 was detected as follow. 16% after induction, 16% after incision, 12% 30 minutes after start of surgery. It is possible that in TIVA group’s, control of blood Glucose and stress responses better than balance anesthesia group’s. The comparative measurements of catecholamine level in both groups would be the next investigations.
Keywords: Blood glucose, Propofol, Balance anesthesia, TIVA
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Type of Study: Original Articles | Subject: General
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Aneasthesiology and Intensive care Medicine, Rasool Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences

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Hassani V (MD), Pooreslami M (MD), Niakan M (MD), Sehat S (MD). Comparison of changes in blood Glucose level in intravenous anesthesia with Propofol infusion and anesthesia with Sodium Thiopental and Halothane . J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 1999; 1 (3 and 3-4) :16-24
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-496-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 3 And 3-4 (Autumn & Winter 1999) Back to browse issues page
مجله دانشگاه علوم پزشکی گرگان Journal of Gorgan University of Medical Sciences
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