Anisocoria an unusuall finding in endoscopic sinus surgery
Mohammad Hosein Taziki * 1, Seyyed Hasan Hoseinikhah , Kazem Kazemnejad |
Abstract: (21637 Views) |
Endoscopic sinus surgery can cause orbital and intracraniol complications. Anisocoria is one of sings of orbital complication. We report a case with anisocoria during endoscopic sinus surgery. Patient was a 42 years old female that was operated because extensive polyposis in right nose and sinuses and retention in otherwise under general ansthesia. A half on hour after the surgery was started, we found dilatation of pupil in left eye which unresponsed to light. Also, as far as the eye symptoms returned to normal after 8-10h after and there was not any veridence of orbital trauma. It seems difiusion of local injection of adrenalin in surgery nasal cavity can probably case of pupil dilatation. |
Keywords: Anisocoria, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Xilocaine, Adrenalin, General anestesia |
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[English Abstract]
Type of Study: Case Report |
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