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:: Volume 18, Issue 1 (3-2016) ::
J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2016, 18(1): 1-7 Back to browse issues page
Effect of therapeutic intervention on general health of child abused mothers
Arabgol F1 , Derakhshanpour F * 2, Panaghi L3
1- Associate Professor, Behavioral Science Research Center, Imam Hossein Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Golestan Psychiatric research center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran , f.derakhshanpour@yahoo.com
3- Associate Professor in Community Medicine, Family Research Center, Shahid-Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (10206 Views)

Background and Objective: Child abuse is a common phenomenon with variety of reasons; the most important one is mother psychiatric disorders. Concurrent interventions in the family can recover the mother and reduce child abuse. This study was done to evaluate the effect of therapeutic intervention on general health of child abused mothers. Methods: This clinical trial study was conducted on 57 children and their child abused mothers whom referred to child psychiatry and pediatric department of Imam Hossien hospital, Tehran, Iran during November 2009- April 2010. Children and their families were visited by a psychiatrist and depend on the child and the family after either pharmaceutical or psychological interventions was taken. Parent management training was done for all mothers in 8 weekly sessions. General health questionnaire were filled by mothers before intervention in the third and sixth months following the intervention. Results: Total score of general health, depression and anxiety of child abused mothers were 31.3±1.90, 5.26±0.66, 8.10±0.46, respectively. It was significantly increased after six months intervention in comparison with pre-intervention (37.3±2.34, 7.48±0.72, 10.44±0.58, respectively). Conclusion: Appropriate therapeutic intervention and parent management training for mothers can improve general health of child abused mothers.

Keywords: Child abuse, Mother, General health, Parent training, Anxiety, Depression
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Type of Study: Original Articles | Subject: Psychiatry
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Arabgol F, Derakhshanpour F, Panaghi L. Effect of therapeutic intervention on general health of child abused mothers. J Gorgan Univ Med Sci 2016; 18 (1) :1-7
URL: http://goums.ac.ir/journal/article-1-2587-en.html

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