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Educational content : Caring for young children

 | Post date: 2014/09/22 | 
 Family self-care after the birth of each newborn:
Infants in first 3-5 days of birth should be examined and visited by the doctors. In case of any problem or disease which may not exist at birth in hospital and appeared later, necessary measures include prescription drugs, training or referral to more specialized areas
With taking a few drops of blood from the baby's heel disease associated with congenital hypothyroidism will be checked. If hypothyroidism left untreated, it would lead to lifelong mental retardation in children. However, the disease will be treated with early diagnosis and simple therapies.
Mothers should recognize the warning signs in the neonatal period and during the incidence of these symptoms take their child to care centers. These symptoms are as following: decreased sucking strength, Seizures, frequent vomiting, groan, restlessness, irritability and lethargy, Lack of urination and defecation in the first day of birth, Severe paleness or cyanosis, Jaundice in first 24 hours, Redness around the eyes or purulent discharge from the eyes, Purulent discharge from the navel or Bleeding more than a few drops, Presence of pustules or blisters on the skin, Redness,  Stiffness, warmth, and swelling or enlargement of the baby breast, High temperature (fever) and Low temperature (coldness of extremities). 
Avoid putting ashes, oil or any other substance on the navel because the infection transmitted to baby through the umbilical can also lead to the infant's death. Keep it dry and clean.

Newborn breast seems a little swollen but Avoid discharging the breast.

Breastfeeding should be initiated immediately after birth. Breastfeeding in the first hour after birth can prevent the numerous cases of neonatal deaths. Breastfeeding should be continued exclusively for Six months and after that accompanied with supplemental feeding for two years

Families need to know that breastfeeding is the healthiest and the most complete kind of food for infants and it has an important role in mothers and children health. Other benefits include decreased postpartum hemorrhage, rapid returning to the prepregnancy weight, reducing the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Breastfeeding has many advantages for the child:
It contains protective substances, somehow acts like a vaccine and it prevents many infectious diseases.
Breastfeeding increases children's IQ.
It prevents the development of many non-communicable diseases in adulthood such as diabetes, hypertension and etc
Breastfed babies are more committed to their families and will be responsible individuals in future.    
Before using bottles, teats and formula, nursing mothers for guidance and counseling should refer to health personnel.
The use of complementary feeding should be initiated at six months of age. Initiating complementary foods earlier or later than six months of age will lead to gastrointestinal complications for the baby.
Supplementary food should be simple, compact and diluted and provided in healthy manner. And gradually converted to synthetic, concentrated and high-volume materials, the food is arranged according to specific guidelines and this order must be followed. In order to learn how to start complementary food, advice must be received from health personnel.
Infant nutrition will become to usual food when he is one year old.
In case of disease, infant nutrition should be healthier and more nutritious; number of feeding should be increased to prevent child weight loss during the disease. Breastfeeding also should increase by this time.

Supplementation is important for children:
Multivitamin drop or AD should be started at 15 days of age and must be continued up to 2 years old. This supplement helps prevent disease in children or in the case of disease, accelerates his recovery.
Iron drop consumption should be started from six months of age and accompanied with complementary feeding. Iron drop helps prevent anemia in children. Anemia may lead to many problems including fatigue, lethargy and learning difficulties in school.
Childhood vaccination should be carried out in accordance with the country schedule and timely.

Self care in children development:
Any concerns about a child's developmental process (how to talk, use hands and feet, behavior with peers) should be identified by the family and in order to further investigation they should refer to health centers as soon as possible.
Self care in prevention of accidents and injuries in children:
Make sure the place is safe for children to play. Identify the Black spots in the Surrounding environment and remove them. Never leave a baby alone. Avoid leaving the child with other children or people who are not qualified to take care of them. Burns, falls, electrocution, drowning and suffocation, poisoning by drugs and detergents, traffic accidents are among the major events that threaten children. Accidents are waiting for children
Ensures the child health and leads to timely identification of the child's problems and early intervention
children's care periods: 3 to 5 days of age/ 14 to 15 days of age/ 30 to 45 days of age/ 2 months old/ 4 months old/ 6 months old/ 7 months old/ 9 months old/ 12 months old/ 15 months old/ 18 months old/ 2 years old/ 3 years old/ 4 years old/ 5 years old/ 6 years old/ 7 years old
Assessment of weight, height and head circumference are done in health centers according to the WHO standard curves.

Self care in case of children illness:
Families must recognize the diseases' symptoms and in case of these symptoms shall immediately deliver the child to the care centers. Late referral during the child's illness, will lead to aggravate the disease and the loss of treatment opportunity

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